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The Truth About Thom

Look at the face. Need I say more?

Quote from Thom on my Sunday Killed the Car post:

Now woman…enough of this kind of crap about me. Maybe I should say that I was hmmphing and hawing under my breath to keep my true nature alive and well. This is going to ruin me…just ruin me I tell ya!!! PFFFFT

Thom is worried that my posts are taking the edge off of his irascible image. I want to fix that. The man is cranky, mean and obnoxious.  I don’t expect you take take my word for it, I have proof:

At the park on Saturday he took food away from the dog — snatched it right out of the poor little critter’s mouth!  Nalu is short and had to jump very high and work very hard to steal that piece of chicken from Kalihi’s plate and Thom took it away with callous disregard of the effort involved in getting it.  Meany!

Then, he snapped at his adorable nephew Ali’i and all the poor kid had done was put Thom’s iPhone in the artichoke salad.  Grouchy!

Later, he snapped at his niece, Kahali, just because she was shivering and whining about being cold but making no move to get out of her wet swim suit and into dry clothes. Ogre!

Also, Thom asks questions like machine gun fire.  It is impossible to answer him because he won’t shut up, so he gets impatient because he isn’t getting answers!  Obnoxious!

AND when he picked Amoeba and I up at the car place he said he was looking forward to our move to Friday Harbor.  He said then Punny Monday would come up at an optimal time for him.  (Midnight Pacific ST is 9 p.m., Hawaii ST).  So to heck (my word, not his) with all the rest of you. Selfish!

So, in a nut shell, Thom is loud, insulting, obnoxious, egocentric, self-centered, and mean to small children and pets, yet goes out of his way to help his friends and — despite being haole — lives “aloha” better than almost everyone else we’ve met in Hawaii.

The truth about Thom is — you couldn’t ask for a better friend.  I hope I’ve set you all straight on that.


  1. hahaha, somehow I don´t really believe all the stuff you listed. That last part….yeah!
    Sounds like a great friend. Thanks for clearing that up! 🙂

    1. Betty — I assure you, every statement is fact. Thom did take food away from the dog and he did snap at those adorable children and he NEVER shuts up. He also said he was looking forward to our move. Integrity is something I take very seriously and I would not lie.

  2. That’s hilarious.

    And I already figure I better enjoy winning the Punny Mondays while I can. If you post at midnight in WA it will be 2 AM here. By the time I get up it will be long answered by the night owls on the West Coast.

    1. Linda — I was hoping people would read this very tongue-in-cheek. And there is just no way I can make Punny Monday fair to all.

  3. Yea yea yea… we KNOW he’s obnoxious, belligerent, crude, egocentric, etc… etc… BUT did ya read his story today? He’s also ROMANTIC! awwwwww….

  4. Quilly, I agree with you, he is BAD! Even though I said that, I am smiling. He couldn’t have been all bad ’cause he is good to you. And BAD means really good to some generations.
    Now that you’ve got all that stuff off your chest will you forget it? 🙂

  5. Forgot to tell you, those signs are in Scotland, Isle of Man, and I think Ireland. It has been a while since I drove in Britain so I don’t know about there. There is only one other sign I like better and I can’t tell about it.

  6. *shaking head

    Thanks for setting the record straight. See I’m a mean, cranky, sarcastic old man. Att girl Q Did anyone tell you that you have a mind like a steel trap? Don’t you EVER forget anything? Thank you for setting the record straight. Now I can sleep better tonight knowing that everyone now knows my evil ways. Love you 🙂

    1. Thom — I have a reasonably good memory, but yes, I forget things — usually appointments. I am glad I was able to set your mind at rest and you don’t have to fear people thinking you’re friendly.

  7. I believe you word for word ! I had this feeling too and I am far away (fortunately) lol !

    Now Thom has a good reason to write a bad post about women, nah !

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