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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

My Mother

As most of you know, my mother died of breast cancer when I was 3 years old. She was a 35 year-old wife and mother of five. She died 47 years ago, and in that time, though many strides have been made in Breast Cancer treatment, there is still no cure. Cryo-Cell International, Inc together with the National Institutes of Health is exploring the potential use of stem cells gleaned from menstrual fluid to treat breast cancer.

The potential rewards of stem cell research are staggering, but until Cryo-Cell pioneered the use of menstrual cells in stem cell research, the life cost of gathering stem cells mocked the possible benefits. Menstrual stem cells can differentiate into more different kinds of cells (skin, bone, brain tissue, lung tissue, etc.) than any other adult stem cell. Further, menstrual blood is a non-controversial and renewable source of easily collected and preserved stem cells. Stem cell research can and is being done without using  fetal tissue.

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cryo-Cell is providing the Susan B. Komen Foundation. a $50.00  Cyro-Cell Breast Cancer Donation for every “Protect Baby, Protect Mom” service purchased during October, and a $25.00  C’Elle Breast Cancer Donation for every purchase of the “C’elle Menstrual Stem Cell” service.

Breast Cancer has killed too many for too long.  Cryo-Cell and C’Elle are working, together with the National Institutes of Health, to make a difference in the lives of mother’s and babies everywhere.  You can be a part of that difference.  Check out Cryo-Cell and C’Elle.  Look at the work they’re doing, and consider lending your support.



  1. My husband, Art ran in the Why Me? Breast Cancer run every year in Chicago. That’s how we spent our Mother’s Day. I’m so sorry you lost your mom at such a young age. That was such a tragedy. Art’s mom also had a double mastectomy. I hope research will find a cure quickly.

  2. That is so sad that you lost your Mum at such a young age m’dear, I’m sorry.

    Cancer is a terrible disease but I have hope that eventually and before too long a cure will be found for all types.

  3. I I don’t think I knew that you lost your mom so young. I can’t imagine how hard that was. She looks like a sweet lady, and I love the dimple, too.

    I am glad to know of research being done with stem cells other than using embryos — and especially from sources that otherwise would just go to waste.

  4. My mom is a survivor — we were very fortunate that it had not moved into her lymph nodes. She was in the hospital after a horrible car accident and they said, ‘while you’re here, when’s the last time you had a mammogram??” Talk about God provision!

    So now it’s over 20 years and she has seen children marry, grandchildren grow up, and best of all, we’ve been able to see her. She stays VERY active in BC cure advocacy.

    I love the photo of your mom too — and like Barbara, was immediately drawn to the dimple. I think that indicates a great sense of humor. I knew you had lost your mother young, but I didn’t know to what. I’m so sorry. Praise God that He provided your grandmother and your dad!

    1. Kelley — my sister is a survivor. My mom didn’t catch it in time, and she was a little behind the science curve, so it would have been iffy anyway.

  5. What a cutie!
    My youngest is three, and I can’t imagine what it would be like to face leaving her. Right now we’re each other’s whole world, but I have very few memories of when I was three… no, it’s painful to think about.

    My father and oldest sister died of cancer; my youngest sister has bone cancer now. May days I just can’t help but feel it’s waiting for me, just around the corner. Good luck staying well, hon, and thanks for this reminder to support research. I had no idea about menstrual blood being helpful this way.

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