Microfiction Monday #3
Susan from Stony River, welcomes us to Microfiction Monday,
where a picture paints just 140 characters.
If you’d like to join us, stop by Susan’s, pick up the picture prompt, and sign in.
It’s two-thirty a.m. and the baby started crying at noon. Momma’s thinking about rocking him to sleep with a real rock.
ROFLMAO…Rock the boat don’t rock the boat baby….LOL I love it. It’s a perfect answer. I love what I’m reading with this picture. Funny responses 🙂 Good one Q.
Thom — we’re a blood thirsty bunch, aren’t we?
Oh no… I’ve been there!! That WOULD explain the distress on her face LOL I *love* it!!
Susan — ask Amoeba, this is one of my standard lines for anybody that won’t let me get my full 8 hours sleep!
LOL! Yes, I think every parent or anyone who has ever cared for children has had days like that,
Barbara — if babies weren’t so cute they’d never make it.
LMAO…that feeling is inevitable.
Pia — indeed. Kids excel at robbing their parents of sleep!
Seems like we all had a similar idea on this one. Must have been the gas
Bill — yours or the baby’s?
LOL we’ve all been there!
Akelamalu — I think that’s really where the “rock-a-bye Baby” song came from!
clever and outlandishly funny
but then again, i wouldn’t expect anything less of you
Why thank you, Polona. I am glad someone appreciates my sick brand of genius! 😉
We weren’t able to have kids but since I raised half the ones in my neighborhood as your friendly teenage babysitter, I can recall that feeling! 🙂
I love the different takes on this picture. I’ll be back.
Hope — no kids of my own, either, but I teach school so I have had dozens of kids.
I’ve thought THOSE thoughts before! Fortunately their guardian angels were on duty!
Melli — I am positive God made children cute to keep us from killing them.
And then they’re teens and you re-visit the whole begging them to sleep phase again. Only now it’s real words and ROCK and roll….ha ha
Good job, Quilly!
Kelley — hmm, when I was a teen I was perfectly willing to sleep all day — then stay up all night. The grownups wouldn’t allow it!
Effective 🙂
Wordless Wednesday – Cody’s Help and Halloween
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