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Quilly Is Away From Her Desk

Amoeba, I, and my camera — along with the daughter of a friend of mine — are playing hooky today and going to the beach.  The young lady has been here since September attending college, and has yet to see the north side of the island.  Amoeba and I thought we would sacrifice ourselves and take her to visit the turquoise-blue beaches and sharp cliffs of the Northshore.  I’ll be back with pictures!


    1. Nicole — you were the only one enjoying my photo blog. I am trying to remind myself to publish more photographs here rather than maintaining two blogs.

  1. Would this be the SAME beach you tried to take Jientje to the day you got hijacked to the flip flop store? I sure HOPE so! I wanna SEE that beach! Have fun!

  2. If I remember right, Giligan’s Island and a Black (pebble) Beach is back there. Only once we went all around the island.

    I fell for the Hawaiian pronounciation of the Pipeline on the west side. That would be pronouncing every vowel and it didn’t sound like the Pipeline with the surfers that I knew from the states.

    Hope you are having fun. You are a nilce host. We will expec a report and pictures. 🙂

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