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Secrets Revealed

When Jientje came she brought gifts.

book & lace

She brought a lovely piece of lace which she designed and created with her own two hands. On the back of the frame she included the original pattern and a hand-written note explaining that the lace was a one-of-a-kind piece that was mine alone. She also signed the frame with both her given name and her nickname.

Look at the incredible colors in my piece of lace. I keep this right here on my desk beside my computer.


Jientje also brought a coffee table book of her own photographs. That she also signed. You can see the inscription below:

I am sharing this now, so long after Jeintje left the island, because I was sworn to silence until after she returned home. She provided each of her hosts with similar gifts and she wanted them to be a surprise at every stop. I can’t speak for the others, but I know Melli & Thom are sharing theirs today, too, so go by and check out the designs of their lace.jientje

Shopping bag in one hand, camera in the other. Jientje couldn’t resist the stores and had to visit every one. I think she saw more of them then any other sites in Hawaii. I’m sure though, when she gets to publishing her photographs, her camera will tell a different story!


  1. That is so special to receive gifts that she made herself! You lace looks great and will be a great reminder of your time together!

    1. Jim — Jientje is Belgium. And yes, I knew that telling the hims from the hers in very difficult with Java Finches. I have Amoeba you know, my walking natural science encyclopedia.

        1. Karen — well, plan your next family vacation in Friday Harbor and I can pretty much guarantee them a tour of the science facility.

  2. How thoughtful! My poor mother tried to teach me lacemaking but I was crap at it; I stuck with sewing machines and knitting instead. Jientje is a lady of many talents! (and shopping bags—LOL!)

  3. Jientje was making up for lost time with the shopping there! I only took her near a store once and she only had 15 minutes to buy her phone before the mall closed! After that we never saw another shop again!!! LOL!

  4. The lace is gorgeous, as is the book — from what I’ve seen of her photographs, the book can’t help but be lovely. What thoughtful gifts.

  5. Very well done Q. You and Melli did such a better job of posting this than I did. LOL. Oh well…what can one say. 🙂

    1. Thom — I think you, Melli, and I all complimented each other well. Anyone who visits all of us will really understand how very special the gifts are.

  6. Quilly, I so enjoyed this post, as I do all that you do, even when I don’t comment :o) The work Jientje does is incredibly beautiful. What a blessing to have a piece of lace designed just for you. Wow. Glad you had such a wonderful visit.

    1. Gigi — Makaha and China Town provided unique. Ross — not so much — to me & you anyway, but it was a store Jientje had never seen before. I didn’t go with her that day (I was home ill) but I understand the low prices just blew her away.

  7. Those were very unique and interesting gifts, Quilly. Sounds like Jientje is a very unique, creative and interesting person. It’s great that you were able to meet her in person.

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