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Microfiction Monday 11.23.09

Susan from Stony River, welcomes us to Microfiction Monday,
where a picture paints just 140 characters.
If you’d like to join us, stop by Susan’s, pick up the picture prompt, and sign in.


God said, “Gabriel, visit Earth & study their technology.
Over 2 thousand years you’ve been working on the
Armegeddon laser
and it doesn’t work yet.”

This post was highly influenced by my current reading material:  Mercury Falls, by Rob Kroese.  This satire makes it abundantly clear that if Heaven was run by church committees, Armageddon would come in way over budget, under-manned and only after great dissension and turmoil among the workers.

This is a rollicking funny read that vividly portrays how/why committee plans go awry and the very real need not to put our own thoughts and actions first.  Even while laughing I have ruefully seen my own mistakes on display.

Stay tuned, I will soon be doing a more thorough review on this novel and one lucky commenter will win their very own copy of, Mercury Falls, by Rob Kroese.


    1. Nessa — this book is typical Diesel. Funny & irreverent in a reverent sort of way. It is just the kind of book you would expect a satyric church finance chair to write!

  1. I need that book!
    And OMG Quilly, I laughed out loud at your story! It does look like a spaceship’s abduction-beam gone a bit bent LOL
    I think we can all identify with drawn-out bureaucratic failures these days…

  2. Now, how could I beat either a) the Superior Snap, or b) the 140 words? Well, you know moi. 140 might be a tad constraining for my overly windy self. That’s why Twitter tries my soul…

  3. Oh that ‘s the funniest one yet! I often wonder if the Devil created the Committee concept just to slow us down? 😉

    As always, this is a fun place to visit. Hope you and yours have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. The pastor at our first church years ago, frustrated by so many meetings that were interfering with his ministering to folks, one Sunday preached, “I don’t think that when Jesus returns he’s going to say, ‘let’s schedule a meeting!”

    1. Granny Sue — well, given that the angels are mostly of the “peace of Earth” bent, weapons of mass destruction aren’t in their repertoire.

  5. Poor Gabriel, I think he was working out of his league, his usual line of business ,for a couple of thousand years. I am sure God could draft someone from the U.S. or other tech nation and get the job done.
    Gabriel is an announcer, not a player.

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