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Shark’s Cove Grill

A little late — but here are more photos from the day we spent beaching with Joy.  First off, Amoeba is particular where he eats, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to be eating out of a lunch wagon alongside the ocean.

Lunch Wagon
Shark's Cove Grill

I pointed out that we’d eaten at this particular place previously on a friend’s recommendation and we’d not only liked it, we were still alive.  Amoeba acquiesced, reluctantly.  We sat at the little table on the far right.

The dining area at Shark's Cove Grill

I don’t know what Joy might have been thinking.  She never said yea or nay.  She did ask what I’d eaten the last time we were there.  I told her and that’s what she ordered.

Joys Ahi
Joy's Ahi Sandwich

As you can see Joy’s sandwich has a solid Ahi (tuna) fillet. She said it was delicious. It looked so good I almost regretted my order — but only momentarily.

My Lunch
Shrimp Skewer with Pine Nut Pesto Sauce

Amoeba ordered the chicken skewer, so his plate looked much like mine. I don’t remember what his sauce was, but he and I traded bites & his was quite good, too. The photo of his dinner didn’t turn out because he stuck his hand in the way.  Once he tasted the food all his reluctance to eat at the lunch truck was gone.

One of the other diners washing up before lunch.


    1. Gigi — we went there to snorkel, the food was a bonus. This is our 4th or 5th snorkeling visit. We like it there. All the tropical fish make it seem like swimming in an aquarium.

  1. That all looks very yummy ! I love to try out funny looking restaurants, this one I certainly would have loved ! Sometimes in the worst looking places you get the best food and the other way around.
    I am back from Egypt, as you may have noticed with your sharp mind, and now I am sitting here and have the blues but only concerning the weather ! Apparently it was quite nice until I arrived, now it’s stormy, rainy and grey. Even the cats are on strike and don’t want to go outside.

    Now since I have catched up a little about the happenings in blogworld, after a “Murder she wrote” research I finally found out that Ella, who by now should sit on the Waterloo Lion is living with Thom ! There must be two reasons, or she refused to go to Belgium to see the Antwerp Zoo with real Elephants, or Jientje had not enough space in her suitcase and refused to travel with an elephant in her arms. Who knows ?

    1. Gattina — Ella was loving Hawaii and refused to leave! And, like you, I am always up for a new and unusual dining experience!

  2. I just googled SHARKS COVE. Reef is accessible March – October when the surf is calm.

    During the winter, waves can reach 20 feet high so it is not recommended to snorkel during the winter.

    Guess I’ll have to go next summer.

    1. Gigi — we do not snorkel on the outside of the reef. I am much too much of a coward. I grew up far away from the ocean. We snorkel inside the reef during low tide. There were lots of folks there — babies even — but we were already gone when the waves started crashing over the walls.

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