Silly Haiku Wednesday 11.25.09

Jenn from, You Know … that blog?, hosts Silly Haiku Wednesday.
This week’s theme is Parents/Parenting.
Quirky Quips & Sewing Snips
Jenn from, You Know … that blog?, hosts Silly Haiku Wednesday.
This week’s theme is Parents/Parenting.
So true. I often ask myself that as I look at my own two kids – is this because of something we did, or in spite of our meddling.
Have a great Thanksgiving Quilly!
Robin — likely both! 😉
Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh! Very nice! I really like it!
Thank you.
Very nice haiku, silly and true.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate and a Happy Thursday just to celebrate.Wild Turkeys
Nessa — it certainly was in my life.
That’s a great take on this weeks theme, that’s also quite funny. I do think some children bloom in spite of their parents efforts!
Jade — I actually think it’s a combo of the two.
Blooming children?
Confounded blooming children! If you’re gonna cuss, get it right, Doug!
Lovely! And excellent photo to go with it!
Janet — thank you. The little one isn’t actually in jail. I took that from the balcony of an orchestral concert.
A week ago? I was writing haiku.
This morning? I am counting on my fingers to make sure you did it right! I think I need a nap…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Karen — soon things will slow down and you can relax, after all, it’s almost mid-January. 😉
Happy Thanksgiving!
Lovely thoughts Quilly. We tend to pat ourselves on the back when they’re doing well and do the otherwise when they’re not…
I participated and gave you credit at Silly Haiku. Hope you win the challenge and the fabulous trip to Hawaii that’s the prize. Oh wait, you already got the trip to Hawaii.
Kelley — it’s the “my kid/your kid” syndrome. And thanks for participating in the silly Haiku. The contest doesn’t start until next week, but I am not going for the win. The Haiku just makes Wednesday fun.
It’s a bit of both in probably most cases. Good job.
Barbara — yes, that’s where I was going with this.
So, so true!
Mocha — another double edged sword. 😉
Takes the pressure off doesn’t it! Although, a bit of fertiliizer, water, and sun help our flowers flourish!
Chanda — they’re good for the children, too.
kids are bloomers alright 🙂
Larry — Bloomin’ wonders!
Like your haiku. For sure I’m not CHICKEN.
We did fine regardless of our parents, I am not sure of the current generation.
Thanks for the Shark’s Cove Grill pictures. Hawaii doesn’t lack for good food.
Jim, if you’re not chicken we’ll be seeing your Haiku next week, yes? The theme is Challenge and there’s a contest to go with. Check it out at Jenn’s place. [click the link above]
Lovely Haiku Quilly, so very true in it’s words. I love the photo it is gorgeous, it’s one of your is it not? I thought I saw this little angel on your flicker.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day Quilly I hope it is peaceful for you both.
Amanda — since mid 2008 or so, all photos on this site are mine unless otherwise indicated. You did see this little one on Flickr. I took her photos at an Oahu Civic Orchestra concert. She was rapt in the music.
Happy Thanksgiving!
How true how true. Well done Q. 🙂
Thom — thank you.
Yeah, well said! I look at a couple of my teen’s friends, and often wonder what their lives would be like if their parents weren’t so negligent. Being involved is necessary, if even to show them that you love them and you’re there for them, regardless.
Oh look at that, will you? Where did that soap box come from…??
Well done! The challenge isn’t until next week, but groovy to see the challenge image here today! 😉
Jenn — I wonder that of myself! My dad said I wasn’t college material. I worked as a housekeeper for years. At 31 I decided to check out college anyway and tested in at the 99th percentile. Makes me wonder who I’d be if I hadn’t grown up thinking I was none too bright.
the lack of love in
dysfunctional families –
some children wither
(this is so not my style)
Polona — I know you are a master at true Haiku so I doubly appreciate this offering!
Some children do wither. Others pick themselves up and go on and become more than ever could be imagined. If I knew what made the difference between those extremes, I would heal all those hurting.
Wonderful haiku and photo to go along with it! Have a lovely holiday 🙂
Rosidah, I am glad you liked my photo.
I can certainly relate to this haiku. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Quilly and Amoeba.
Kay — most teachers can! And Happy Thanksgiving to you and Art!
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