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Weekend Reflections 12.04.09

James, over at Newton Area Photo
hosts a fun meme called Weekend Reflections.
Grab a camera and play along.
And even if you don’t join us,
be sure to check out James’ dazzling photos.

Paradise Puddle

Paradise Puddle

I took this photo in the parking lot of Haleiwa Beach Park on Oahu’s north shore. Seconds later an Amoeba invaded paradise.

Ripples in Paradise

For those of you new to my blog, this particular Amoeba is a grown man — a natural scientist with an unnatural predilection for seaweeds and protozoa.


    1. Melli — I don’t think our puddles can be compared — very different subjects. Mine only looks better because it’s exotic.

  1. Quilly, it is paradise and beautiful in its superlative! The glow of the sun turned the sun into gold!

    One of the best reflections I have seen!

    1. Ebie — that “gold sand” is an asphalt parking lot. That golden reflection on the ground by the puddle is actually scattered sand highlighted by reflecting sun from the panel van parked next to the puddle. The took photos above of of the same puddle, just taken from different perspectives. In one the sand glows. In the other it doesn’t.

    1. John — when I saw the puddle I knew I’d found a superlative reflection. As to chasing away that Amoeba — I’m rather found of him — mostly — and plan on keeping him around.

    1. Thanks, Thom – -but I’ve been visiting other reflections this week and seen some pretty amazing stuff — did you see Amanda’s?

  2. Paradise Puddle is a perfect name for these Quilly how the heck did you come across these? Number one is so striking, it took my breath away. Sorry just getting to the comments and stuff on my blog I seem to have kicked the flu but for the headache oh well
    Ce la Vie!

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