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Looking Ahead

Last Sunday night at church I met a young widow and her two year-old daughter.  The woman’s husband was killed in a car accident, leaving her without adequate means to support herself and their child.  While her husband was alive he worked full-time and she worked part-time.  They adjusted their work hours so one of them was always home with the daughter.  It was a delicate balance, but the young family was getting by –until tragedy struck.

Today the woman and her daughter live in a shelter and are participating in a self-sufficiency program.  They are receiving help, but everyday is a struggle to survive.  This could have been avoided had the family set aside a few dollars each month for term life insurance.

My dad used to brag about not having insurance. “I don’t want anybody getting rich off of my death or being happy that I died!” And then my step-mother died in the midst of open heart surgery. The resulting hospital bills wiped my father out financially. He lost his home and his way of life.

How do you want your loved ones to remember you?  The emotional burden of your death need not be compounded by financial burdens as well.  Show your love, buy insurance.


  1. Sheesh! I wish my husband would buy it. He has the same attitude as your father had. We wouldn’t even have HOME insurance if we didn’t have a mortgage! It’s crazy! I’ve worried my entire marriage about it!

    1. Melli — I know. And a bazillion dollars isn’t necessary — just enough to pay for the funeral and give the family a couple months to get their act together.

  2. I so agree with you on this Quilly. My DIL’s father had a massive heart attack on Tuesday last and died. He was uninsured and the cost of the funeral is way beyond his widow’s means. Thankfully it is a big family and everyone is helping out but it would have been so much easier if he’d been insured. 🙁

  3. My husband and I used to have fights over this—he thought it was a waste of money, I knew it was vital, having lost both parents. Well we bought a house, and bang, life insurance comes with the mortgage,thank heavens. He insisted on the minimum but I went back to the bank later and upgraded. Don’t tell! LOL

    1. Susan — if that man ever follows you into the blogosphere and checks up on you, I predict fireworks — and not the romantic kind!

  4. My parents took out a small policy on me when I was a baby. When SuperDad & I married, his dad (an insurance agent) sat down with us and looked over what we needed. Since we were newlyweds with no money, his dad took out an insurance policy on me to help us avoid that very problem (unexpected hospital bills).

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