Dude & Dude: Prints
This just in from Amoeba’s desk. If he won’t post his stuff anymore, I guess I will!
Dude & Dude: Prints
“Dude! What’ya got there?”
“Oh, just a little somethin’ …”
“Did you get a present? Show.”
“I don’t know, dude … Hey!!!”
“Ah, what’re you worried about? Fancy case … Fingerprints, dude?!?”
“Um, yeah.”
“Figures. The police would have those. Whose, then?”
“Gandhi? The Gandhi? The Mr. Symbol-of-Nonviolence himself? Where the hell did you get those?”
“The less you know, dude …”
“Well, then, why?”
“It’s the holidays, dude!”
“And what does that have to do with you getting Gandhi’s ten fingers on a five-finger discount?”
“But, dude! I thought everybody was looking for the prints of peace …?”
everything goes in the digital era
Juliana, I hope that doesn’t make you a prestidigitator.
i lack the dexterity
ha ha ha, that one made me groan 🙂
Y’mean, Jeff, that you hadn’t groan up before that post? If that’s an eternal youth elixer in your hand, I’ll have a swig …
I’m thinking you are going to have to develop some prints=iples regarding Amoeba posting on your blog! 🙂
But then, Mocha, I’d have to negotiate with Quilly about making this blog a printsipality …
Ahhhhhhhhh… I’m with Jeff! *GROoooooan* lol!
See Jeff about that elixir, Melli. You’ll probably need some to help with shoveling all that snow.
Blogging on your partner’s site does not count as not blogging. Harrumph right back at you, Amoeba.
Harrumph, yourself, Dawg. Five times the traffic of where I’d been posting for a tithe of the effort. Surely the economist in you would approve.
Well that’s a good point. The Marginal Revenue Product skyrockets.
haha! I was going to write HUH? Then I said the word PRINTS to myself silently and realized you meant PRINCE.
Not to worry, Gigi. I’m just surprised that Hewlett-Packard hasn’t yet used images of doves and peace signs to sell printers.
I was ‘Ghandi’ give you two a ‘peace’ of my mind for a groaner that bad!
But it’s so good to hear from Dude and Dude again I won’t say anything. Nothing at all.
Right, Susan. So tell me again why Ireland adopted the euro.
Because our government sucks. Of course, that’s my reason for everything.
How do the Dudes feel about moving to where the surfing isn’t *quite* as good as Waikiki? I don’t want you leaving them behind, y’know.
Um, Susan, just between you and me and while the Dudes are scoping out the Banzai Pipeline … not only are the waters of Puget Sound cold (7 – 12 C year round), they’re almost completely enclosed by land. As far as surf is concerned, the place may as well be a lake. Of course, to Mac Dude, who never took up the sport, this will be a blessed relief. But with PC Dude, there could be trouble.
Groan…. lol. Have a wonderful day, Quilly.
Quilly says she’ll do her best, Alice. As soon as she figures out what to do with the pestiferous protozoa in her life.
Oh I’m so glad Charley isn’t entirely down blogging.LOL too funny
Nah, Thom, here I’m into up blogging. Or the Q is likely to revoke my privileges.
There are as many puns in the comments as in the posts!
Is that a joy or a punishment, Barbara?
I’m just glad to see a Dude & Dude post again!
Looking for
lovepeace in all the wrong places…Karen, thanks, but the Dudes (who have trouble accepting praise) are wondering if maybe you’re just happy to see anything that isn’t a snowdrift.
I’m actually quite fond of snowdrifts…
.-= kcinnova´s last blog ..WWC: Bear & Out of Place =-.
LOL. This could be a weekly guest post 🙂
But, Rosidah, Q already does Punny Monday. Oh, wait, you said guesT post …
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