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Save The World From Mediocre Music

Music fans, you can be on the cutting edge of the music industry without ever leaving your computer chair. With a click of the mouse you can promote the songs you like and bring attention to your favorite new singer. All you have to do is visit OurStage – Discover New Music.

In the tradition of You Can Be a Star and American Idol, artists create music videos and upload them to OurStage. That’s where things get different. OurStage isn’t a popularity contest. The songs come up randomly. You judge who you’re given, not just the people you came online looking for.

Joining OurStage is totally free for both the voters and the artists. Plus, artists can enter to win an assortment of great prizes — they can also bring their sound to the attention of music industry professionals. This months top prize is $5000.00 cash! There are great prizes available for the judges, too! this month you could earn a $1000.00 Target shopping spree just by casting a few votes.

And hey, even if you don’t want to vote, pop on over and check out OurStage anyway. Pick your favorite category, Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop, or Country and just listen. I have been plugged in for 15 minutes now and I have heard some great new stuff!


  1. I only like very few of the new songs or music. I got stuck with Freddy Mercury, the Beatles, Elvis and some more, but all the others I forget because usually they make one piece of music or a song and then they are forgotten. Anyway I only listen to music in my car because I can’t write or read with music on ! I can only drive and listen and no pedestrian was hurt or killed so far. I’ll let you know !
    .-= Gattina´s last blog .. =-.

    1. Raven — I visited Pandora last week when Gigi mentioned it on her blog. I did enjoy it, but I really like OurStage better because it has stuff the radio hasn’t heard yet!

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