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Dude and Dude: Boll-ivia


“You say somethin’, dude?”

“Only at the top of my lungs, dude. What’s the matter with you?”

“Just a few thousand bombs bursting in air, dude. Things have been kinda peaceful ever since, y’know?”

“Dude, you don’t need no fireworks to play the ‘I can’t hear you’ game. Next time, try this.”

Cotton, dude? And what’re you doing to it?”

Raw cotton, dude. For your ears. So I can pull it out when I’m talkin’ to you, and you won’t have no excuses. As for what I’m doing, I’m ginning the seeds out of it. And I’m gonna plant them everyplace I can reach.”

“That’s a lot of work, dude.”

“It’ll be worth it, dude. Conditions on Hawai‘i are perfect for growing cotton. Especially after all the fireworks these past few days. There won’t be a weevil spirit anyplace …”


Tip of the propeller beanie to Musings.


  1. .
    Happy New Year Amoeba and Quilly!!!
    Another Johnny Appleseed in the making have we here?
    I take it you are letting Quilly sleep in today. I hope she didnt
    drink too much gin last night!! Thanks for posting here, I did
    know that you have abandoned our blog. 😉
    .-= Jim´s last blog ..It’s a new year! — Six Word Saturday =-.

    1. Jim, I’ll post here if and only if I have something to say. Quilly does the heavy lifting, and that’s as it should be. If I were to post regularly, her blog ratings would go down.

    1. Oh, Thom, so that was you standing on the streetcorner dealing in earplugs and asthma inhalers, was it? Yeah, those weevils ran right down the street and onto the airport, where they joined the UH professors on the earliest available departing flights.

    1. It will, Kat, though only in southern Ohio, I reckon, is the growing season long enough to secure a good crop. Right now, though, corn and soybeans are more profitable.

    1. Glad you enjoy it, Mocha. I gather this means that your spirit will be looming over us for awhile …

  2. It’s been so long since I lived in a city, I forget about New Year’s fireworks at midnight. I’m pretty sure at this point, I’d shoot back.
    .-= Doug´s last blog ..Myrmidon =-.

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