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I pulled a muscle in my right shoulder awhile back.  I am beginning to doubt it will ever mend!  I have a full range of motion — although some motions hurt more than others.  I also have a full range of ouch!

Yesterday OJM and I washed windows. Last night I couldn’t sleep for the pain in my shoulder. It’s throbbing right now. If I hurt my leg or ankle, we could get crutches , but what does one do when she’s hurt her shoulder? Not using it isn’t an option.

I can’t quit washing my hair, changing my clothes, lifting my fork (although I probably should), blowing my nose, etc. I am using my left arm more, but still my right arm needs to participate in daily life. Any suggestions short of tying it down?


  1. I think Thom’s idea is the best! There are pains that need to be rested… there are pains that need to be worked through… and there are pains that require a shot of cortizone! I’ve had all 3. If It’s a pain that needs to be rested, putting it in a sling may help. But I one time rested a pain that needed to be worked through — then it got so bad my shoulder locked up and I had to have cortizone so that I COULD go ahead and work through it. And still I didn’t learn. The next year my other shoulder did the same thing … and I did the same thing. It FELT like it needed to be RESTED!!! See a doctor Quilly.
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Somebody Always Helps! =-.

  2. I agree with Melli and Thom, but there was a time when I lived on Icy Hot or Absorbine Jr. patches (I preferred the latter but couldn’t always find them). But they were great in that, because they stayed on for hours, the medicine in them stayed against your skin.

    Hope you feel better soon!
    .-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..Booking Through Thursday: Gifts =-.

  3. I wish I could offer a solution Quilly but I cannot except for the litter and 6 gorgeous hunks that will carry you and meet your almost every need. They are ripped strong, looking like Greek/Roman Gods and talking like a Frenchman (Am I helping yet?) Oh Yeah they travel light and eat almost nothing so keep them as long as you need! OK?
    .-= amanda´s last blog ..Thurday 13: I Remember Wildflowers…. =-.

  4. I’ve had both tendonitis and adhesive capsilitis. It made writing high on the chalkboard very difficult. I needed physical therapy both times. The phone nurse told me to stop moving my arms and imobilize it. It was the worst advice. I was supposed to keep doing the range of motions so it wouldn’t lock like it did. You need to see your doctor so they can figure out what you have. The therapy for both conditions are quite different.
    .-= musings´s last blog ..Project: Pinbag =-.

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