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Three Word Thursday #41

Mea culpa.  I completely lost track of what I set for when.  somehow my calendar says 3WT is due January 14th, but my post has them set for today.  You folks will have to play without me. I am much to busy to pause and write a story!

As to new words — it’s one a.m., I need to go to bed!  Does anybody have any great words they’d like to share for next week?  HELP!

Here’s Mr. Linky.  You all play nice now. (This happened because I was griping today about somebody who manages a meme and never visits the participants.  Instead I’m managing and not participating!  I will visit, though.  I promise.)


  1. scaevity n 1623 -1658
    unluckiness; left-handedness
    She attributed her failure to evil forces, but her family felt it was a matter of scaevity.
    gnathonize v 1619 -1727
    to flatter
    I can tell that you’re just trying to gnathonize me, you sycophantic buffoon!
    roblet v 1674 -1755
    to lead astray
    He roblets his intended victims in the old part of the city before mugging them.
    .-= Dr. John´s last blog ..Thursday =-.

  2. No worries Q. If it were me and I were you I would suspend this until you get settled in Friday Harbor a little. You are going to have so much going on. Bring it back in February with us getting to choose the words for the first week in February. That’s my vote 🙂
    .-= Thom´s last blog ..Eminent Eights =-.

  3. take it easy… no need to push it until you are nicely settled.

    and it’s not that i wouldn’t want to write the installment for you, it’s just that my writing skills and imagination are inadequate
    .-= polona´s last blog ..prickly =-.

  4. Oh Quilly, I just looked up Friday Harbor. I had no idea where it was until now. It is so beautiful there from what I see on the net. I was wondering how you could be happy moving from Hawaii to anywhere else, now I see you are exchanging one incredible place for another. I wish you & Amoeba all the happiness in the world in your new, wonderful home.

    Take the time you need to do the move. The internet, your blog, and all of us that love you will still be here when you are safely, comfortably in your new home.
    .-= Alice in BC Canada´s last blog ..Light Mail =-.

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