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Call Off Search & Rescue

We’ve not been missing.  Just busy!

We have arrived safely in Friday Harbor. We’ve caught up on our sleep, checked into staff housing, mostly unpacked, purchased new rain gear, visited our new home, registered at the city office so we’ll have water, sewer & garbage service, purchased a ton of groceries, visited 0ne of our favorite restaurants TWICE, had our satellite dish installed, gotten to know two of the local cab drivers, and right now Amoeba is out picking up the car our new landlords are loaning us (yes, you read that correctly) until ours arrives.  After he gets the car, he plans to attend choir practice at church.

My blog reader lists almost 200 unread posts.  I am never going to be able to catch up.  However, I’ll be  around to visit, soon. If I don’t read all of your back posts, please understand there is only one of me and 89 of you.

The fact that I can come and visit you at all is courtesy of Thom.  He gave me his Acer Aspire One laptop.  He did it so he wouldn’t have to miss me, and you all benefit, too.  No one could ask for a kinder or more generous & loving friend.

Thom, I miss you and I wish you were here.  Of course, if you were, you’d likely be bitching about all the wind and the rain and the gray, but so far I am appreciating the fact that for the first time in 28 months, I am not sweating!

Tilden: peep.


  1. I am glad you’re back on, leave it to Thom to be the “Super Dude” once again bless his heart. Glad everything is moving along. You should just hit the “mark all as viewed” and start fresh, no point in being overwhelmed when we are all happy your settling in! Wow you in my part of the world now (or coast line)…. I am glad you not humidified anymore!
    .-= amanda´s last blog ..Black & White photo Challenge #3: Lamps! =-.

  2. Awww, Thom is a sweetie underneath all that mouth, isn’t he? 😉 I’m sure he misses you like crazy already.

    Woot for lack of sweat! Certainly will be a culture shock for a while, but if you’re happy, we’re happy for you!!

    Missed your haiku yesterday – it’s not the same without you!

    Talk soon,

    .-= Jenn@ You know… that blog?´s last blog ..Liar McLiarpants! =-.

  3. Thom rocks! And obviously, so do your new landlords.

    I’m glad you’ve made it safely there — and I’m glad to be counted as one of 89. 😀
    You’re making me all homesick now, with all that talk about rain and gray skies. Isn’t sweatshirt weather WONDERFUL?
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..Helpless in Haiti =-.

  4. So you finally arrived safe and sound ! I wait now for the moment when you are complaining about the rain and cold and miss Hawaii and not only Thom ! I speak of experience, lol ! These little notebooks are wonderful I have one too and I always take it with me when I travel, because it just has the size of a book, I couldn’t miss it anymore !
    Now I suppose you are busy with unpacking and arranging everything, of course you can’t comment on everybody’s post, lol !
    .-= Gattina´s last blog .. =-.

  5. Good gracious, Quilly! I can’t believe you’re out there already. I’m so glad everything is going well and that you’ve got such a lovely landlord. Don’t worry about us. Have fun settling in and enjoying your beautiful surroundings.
    .-= musings´s last blog ..Egyptian Memories #2 =-.

  6. Well Q I miss you already as well. Nalu and I went for our walk this morning and your house was empty…PFFFT…And what did you do on the way…sent this damn cold weather that we are having now. I had my jacket on all day long. Wouldn’t you know. Maybe it’s trying to tell me something. I’m glad the Acer is working out okay. It’s a pain in the butt it’s so tiny but something is better than nothing. It’s just PLAIN ASS WEIRD that you aren’t here I must say. I got the books to the Church Tuesday. I’m taking the Modem in tomorrow. I’m glad your safe and sound. Your landlord sounds like good people. I’m glad your not sweating. And most of all I miss you… 🙂 xoxoxoxxo
    .-= Thom´s last blog ..Weekend Reflections – #17 =-.

    1. Thom — I used your name in vain today when I worked for half an hour and this dang little laptop ATE MY WORK. But other than that I love you and miss you.

  7. Abundant blessings — Thom when you were in Hawaii, and his generosity, and all the love that he still sends — and now these landlords who sound simply amazing.

    God is SO SO SO good! And we are all so glad you’re back on-line!
    .-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..Spiritual Emergency Kit =-.

  8. Aaww. Thom’s comment made me go weepy.

    But I’m glad you’re home safe, and have your groceries in, utilities sorted, and super-nice landlords by the sound of things!

    So… guess what MY weather is today? LOL Cold, grey, wet, naturally…you and I can not-sweat together while we pray for some sunshine now!
    .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Friday Flash 55: Hey There =-.

  9. Yeah, I figured you’ve been swamped with all the moving-to-a-new-place details. Glad to hear things are falling into place. Sounds like you have wonderful landlords! And hurray for no sweat!

    What a great friend Thom is. It made me sad to read of his walking by your empty house. Are you having to start over in the making friends department, or do you know people there already?

    Good to hear from you.
    .-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..Haiti =-.

    1. Barbara — Amoeba has some colleagues here. We know some people, but we’ve not yet collected any “friends”, but as you can tell, everyone is friendly!”

    1. Polona — we aren’t in the new house yet. It is empty. We are staying at the labs where there are furnished apartments. I am typing this from a very comfy chair.

      And Thom & the new landlords are all a great blessing to us.

  10. AWWWWWW! What is TILDEN’s secret that you aren’t supposed to make a PEEP about? huh? HUH?

    So glad you are getting everything squared away! You just attract great landlords and friends! NOT to MENTION fabulous home addresses! LOL! I DO love it! And Amoeba is already at choir practice! He’s not wasting any time is he? YAY! So… when’s the furniture coming???
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Friday’s Fave 5 =-.

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