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  1. As apparently you don’t have a “normal” phone I think you should sit in the next bar, ask for the “normal” phone and call for 500 min all your friends in these places.
    After that, ask for a taxi to carry you home !
    .-= Gattina´s last blog .. =-.

  2. We have had a calling card for several years now and it’s amazing how in those odd times we’ve had to use it. It does come in handy. Rarely… but it does… sometimes.
    .-= musings´s last blog ..Egyptian Memories #2 =-.

  3. I like Southlakemom’s idea – donate it to a solider/soldier’s family.

    Or have a contest and give it as a prize.

    Or find one of those old fashioned superman change rooms (aka phone booth) and reach out and touch someone!
    .-= Jenn@ You know… that blog?´s last blog ..Liar McLiarpants! =-.

    1. Linda — I don'[t think the card is limited to just those countries. A soldier or a missionary sounds like excellent advice.

  4. .
    Some ladies in our church collect those and send them to the U.S. Armed Forces people at different places in the world. Cell phones have cut back on these.

    I do have a very nice man in Nigeria who is trying to help me collect on my fortune. Send it to me so I can call him more often if you’d like. Money would be better, I still owe him a couple of $K so I can get my inheritance.
    .-= Jim´s last blog ..Acrostic: Voices =-.

  5. you could call your local women’s shelter and donate it to them… I’m sure they have plenty of ladies show up there who could use the long distance to call relatives for assistance…

    1. Kelley — it is a US based card, so the calls would have to originate here. And like you, I don’t think the card is country specific.

    1. Melli — excellent question. The activation number hasn’t been scratched off the back, so I thought it was new. I didn’t check for an expiration date. I also can’t find it. I think it may have gotten packed.

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