Time For Valentine’s Day
I can think of at least three people who start their telephone conversations with me with the words, “So, what time is it there?” I thought that might end when we left Hawaii, but all it has done is switch who is doing the asking.
With that thought in mind, I am contemplating buying Movado Watches for some of the people I love, like Tilden; my sister, Caryl; my dear friend Thom (he hasn’t asked yet, but he will); and my niece, Brooke. I am thinking I should give them watches set on Friday Harbor time. That way they will always and forever know what time it is where I am.
I also need to buy a watch for myself. You’d think, having just left Hawaii, I would know what time it is there, but I am so used to adding time to switch time zones,that I have a heck of a time subtracting hours. If I want to be calling Thom or OJM, I just might need to keep a watch set on Hawaii time.
Plus I never did get my Amoeba that water proof watch I talked about, but now that he is back here doing the work that he loves, he’s going to constantly have his hands in the water.  I don’t think his current watch is up to that task.
Besides, I think it would be perfect to get the people I love watches. That way they would know that they were in my heart all the time!
how about your friends visit your blog to check your time (i know…)
Polona — when I lived in Hawaii I told my sister that all the time — now that we’re in the same time zone, she’ll figure it out.
He hasn’t asked yet but he will ROFL!
That’s what question I get too all the time — people afraid of waking us up. My sister’s in your time zone, which is 8 or 9 hours earlier in the day than ours…jeez I still don’t know exactly LOL
.-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Weekend Reflections in Belfast =-.
A watch set on YOUR time isn’t a bad idea! You could also get a small clock that reminded you of Hawaii and set it on Hawaiian time.
My father lives in Arizona and I can never remember what time it is there, since they do not follow Daylight Savings Time changes. Sometimes they are on Pacific Time and sometimes they are on Mountain Time… but I can’t remember which is when! 😛
.-= kcinnova´s last blog ..Gotcha! =-.
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