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Hair Raising Experience

Shirley, my second step-mother, was a beautician. That meant I always had a professional hair cut. It also meant that I always had the latest and greatest beauty products at my fingertips. I kind of miss that.

For my 8th grade graduation, my step-brother’s wife made me a gorgeous pink satin and lace formal — 1970’s gorgeous of course, but all the other 13 year olds thought I looked great — and Shirley did my hair in a Gibson Girl style with ringlets hanging down my back. The hair-do was old-fashioned and I didn’t want to go out in public. I tried to sneak into the dance and hide in a dark corner but my girlfriends found me and declared me Cinderella.

Sigh. If only my hair still did those wonderful things. If only I could do those wonderful things to my hair! I just signed up for a free Style Connection by Redken hair gel. I hope it will help.

Right now, I pretty much keep my hair smooshed under a hat — not so much to keep my head warm as to keep the wind out of my ears. Still, I am hoping that someday I will get to unbundle and face the world. It would be nice to do so with a descent head of hair.


    1. Church Lady — I used to love my hair. It was my crowning glory, and even up in a pony tail on top of my head it hang down to the middle of my back. And, once coaxed into a curl, it would stay sometimes two days. In Hawaii I didn’t even have to coax it. It loved to wave. Here it is suddenly dry, stiff and uncooperative.

      AND, I am not a fan of hats. They aren’t at all flattering on me. However, I am prone to earaches, ergo I wear hats.

  1. What a joy having beautiful hair would be — I’ve never known that feeling LOL

    ROFL at “1970’s gorgeous of course…” I still remember my first school dance outfit, from 1979 I believe it was. I *loved* it, but oh boy am I glad there are no photos!!
    .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday #17 =-.

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