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Why She Doesn’t Watch Football

He had his earphones on and was totally engrossed in the game. She walked in and put her hand on his shoulder. He moved the earphones off one ear and looked at her. “Yes?”

She asked, “Do you have an ETA on coming to dinner?”

He said, “There’s about five minutes left on the game clock.”

She smiled brightly and said, “Oh! Okay then. Perfect.” She turned to leave the room.

He called her back. “No, hon, that means dinner should be in about an hour.”


  1. Linda — luckily, homemade soup only gets better the longer one simmers it. That isn’t necessarily true of tempers, so I prefer to react with humor.

    1. Church Lady — I ran this tidbit by Amoeba and he said he’d heard that before, but the range of play is more likely between 11 to 20 minutes depending on how evenly matched the teams are.

    1. Doug — Amoeba seems to think that meals should be eaten at the dinner table and without the distraction of the television (although he does have different rules for breakfast and lunch).

  2. .
    Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat!
    Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat!
    Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat!
    Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat!
    Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat!
    Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat!
    Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat!
    Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat!
    Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat!
    Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat!
    We had pizza from the frozen box during half time! My sister and BIL have escaped from Iowa and are visiting here. BIL and I have talked about playing golf tomorrow. Probably won’t. 🙂
    .-= Jim´s last blog ..Katrin loves chocolate — Sunday night / Monday morning — Good dog Adi =-.

  3. Our house does not have an open floor plan, so I kept rushing back and forth from the kitchen to the living room so I wouldn’t miss anything.
    We took a walk at sunset in the deep snow (still not plowed out) before the game and then had traditional game munchies for supper.
    I prefer college football, but this particular game was pretty exciting!
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..BUNNYCAM update! =-.

    1. Karen — I prefer NO football, but to each their own. I had my computer and a really good book (which I will review soon & I’m offering a giveaway copy).

    1. Anna — how cute! And isn’t there always more commercial then game? At least once every game Amoeba is heard to disgustedly mutter some version of: “Darn, I was watching a perfectly good series of commercials and somebody stuck a football play in the middle!”

    1. Susan — yes, but was that really for me? I think he just didn’t want to arrive to a bowl of soup that had been sitting on the table for an hour and find everything else cleaned up and put away.

    1. Barbara — well, Amoeba had earphones on so I wasn’t subject to the game. I, too, read. I am soon to review and give away a copy of a great book. And it took me years to learn about simmering tempers. I am glad I did!

  4. The last football game I actually watched was back in high school. For four years (thanks to being in the color guard) I sat in those cold bleachers week after week watching our team lose game after game. Definitely not the sport for me.
    .-= Silverneurotic´s last blog ..And it snows again =-.

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