Good-bye, Pastor

Dr. John’s daughter-in-law, Lori, contacted me this afternoon and told me that Dr. John passed away this morning. Please join me in praying for his wife, children, grandchildren and extended family.
Many of us here on the internet have come to know and love Dr. John. He enriched our lives with laughter, words, and wisdom. However to me his greatest contribution was in sharing God’s grace and mercy and accepting and loving people as they are. Dr. John was one of the best pastors I ever had, and I will miss him.
Here is a copy of Lori’s original note, and the current responses to it, which I lifted from the comment section of Punny Monday.
Rest In Peace Dr. John. You were a mighty good man and you are going to be truly missed on a daily basis. My thoughts are with Betty and your entire family. I’m going to miss you but I’m thankful for the memories.
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Scenic Sunday 83 =-.
I am so very sorry. My prayers go out to his family. He was a good man. He truly was a man of God. I will miss him.
.-= Nessa´s last blog ..Desires =-.
I’ve been missing him during his illness, but looking forward to having him back, so this was awful to hear.
I was just saying to my husband, after reading Lori’s news, that I have so many family members I only see once a year or even less — but then I have friends on blogs whom I visit, if only for a few minutes, every single day. It’s hard to lose someone who’s part of your daily life, and when that someone is funny and clever and sweet like Dr. John, oh it’s sad.
R.I.P, Dr. John and all the dragons.
.-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday #18 =-.
Sorry to hear. Rest in peace.
.-= Doug´s last blog ..Future =-.
I´m so sorry. I didn´t “know” him well, but I enjoyed reading his comments. He seemed like a very well educated person. RIP!
.-= Betty´s last blog ..25 things about me and my hubby =-.
Quilly, thank you for letting us know. If you get a chance to collect the tributes for Lori, please include mine. The header on Dragons Lair was something my daughter drew for him, and he very kindly scanned and used it with sweet compliments to the artist.
.-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday =-.
Awwwwe. I have visited Dr. John’s blog from time to time and have always enjoyed reading his comments here. May sympathy, comfort and strength be with his family at this time.
Quilly I am sorry for everyone’s loss I have not heard you speak of the Reverend but I see he will be missed by many.
.-= amanda´s last blog ..Musical Monday: Blast from my past =-.
I am sorry for your loss Charlene, I will pray for his wife and family. XOOX love you
Dr. John was a wonderful man and preacher in everyway that I could see. He wasn’t hesitant to tell of this faith in the Lord. All of us bloggers were anxiously waiting for the latest word of God from Dr. John and from his Pigeon Falls, friend, Pastor Joan.
Now the Lord has said to Dr. John, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” And He took him home to the place (in Heaven) that He had prepared for him.
I will be praying for his wife (Betty), his family, and for all those who he has reached in his ministry.
We have lost a Good Friend Quilly, I will miss his Visits. But I know we now have another Angel in Heaven watching over us.
I learn the new at Betty’s.
My Prayers are with the Family.
You are a good Friend Quilly,
I’m sitting here in tears which seems strange for someone you’ve only met on the internet. His kindness and wit and imagination will be missed.
My thoughts and prayer go out to Betty and his family.
I have no doubt that Dr. John was carried straight to the pearly gates on the back of a dragon.
.-= Carletta´s last blog ..Worn Around The Edges =-.
Poignant, sad, loving post. Sending positive vibes your way…
.-= Melissa B.´s last blog ..To Whom It May Concern… =-.
This is sad news. I had just today checked his blog to see if any dragons were running again…
.-= VioletSky´s last blog ..Monday AMuse =-.
I am deeply saddened by the loss of our beloved Dr. John. He truly was a pastor to the blogging community. And as sad as I am right now, with tears rolling down my face, I know that you, dear Quilly, feel his absence even more.
I hope you find comfort in knowing that we will meet him again someday and he will be breathing freely.
.-= kcinnova´s last blog ..Random Dozen: Red or Pink? =-.
My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
.-= Brooke´s last blog ..Decisions, decisions, decisions… =-.
I think a true man of God has a ministry wherever he is, whether or not he has an official position, and what I knew and read if him, he exemplified that — he lived out grace in his everyday life life, even through his blog. He’s breathing freely now, but he will be sorely missed here.
.-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..The Week In Words =-.
I am so sorry to hear this… My heart goes to his family and many friends. He will be remembered.
.-= Mar´s last blog ..the nurse is IN =-.
I just read about it on Thom’s blog and I am so sad ! He was such a special man. Even I read his sermons each sunday because they were so good and never boring.
Now the book he sent me because I won a contest on his blog will have a special signification to me and you know what he choose for me ? “Cat’s tales” wasn’t that cute ?
.-= Gattina´s last blog .. =-.
May he rest in peace. He will be missed by many.
.-= Jientje´s last blog ..Macro Monday, Saint-Amour =-.
Dr. John will be SO missed. 🙁
.-= Akelamalu´s last blog ..Cruise – St. Kitts #5….. =-.
There will be no “resting in peace” for Dr. J! He has had to spend far too much time resting! I have a feeling he is ROCKING Heaven to the limits today! I SO wish I was there! (just for a visit!) Oh, how I love that man! What a MIND! I miss him so much…
.-= Melli´s last blog ..He Is Going To Be SO Missed…. =-.
I’m so sorry to hear this. Rest in peace, Dr. John.
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Slowly =-.
Oh, this breaks my heart. Dr. John was a wonderful, wonderful man.
.-= Mama Zen´s last blog ..Calm =-.
dr. john, you are sorely missed here but i hope you are having a great time wherever you are.
.-= polona´s last blog ..this looks better than it really was… =-.
I have been away a while. I was shocked and sad to hear this news. I counted him as a friend that shared so much insight and hope with me, and always a kind thought when I needed it most. I will miss him. Rest easy my friend.
.-= Family Man´s last blog ..Merry Christmas 2009! =-.
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