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Punny Monday 2010 #5

Punny Monday Meets Caption Contest.

We found the perfect photo.  I snapped the shot and then … our brains drew a total blank.  Both of us. We know there’s a pun in this photo but we just can’t find it so we are asking you to caption this picture.  Your caption MUST be a pun.

Pun, n. the humorous use of a word or phrase so as to emphasize or suggest its different meanings or applications, or the use of words that are alike or nearly alike in sound but different in meaning; a play on words.


  1. Your caption MUST be a pun.
  2. EMAIL your captions.
  3. DO NOT leave your caption puns in the comments or they will be disqualified.
  4. DO offer as many caption puns as you please.
  5. Comments will close at midnight Pacific Daylight Savings Time.  Amoeba and I will then pick our 5 favorite captions and put them up for a vote.
  6. Voting will begin Tuesday, February 16th at noon PDST and end at noon PDST Wednesday, January 17th.  The winner and every caption entered in the contest will be posted shortly there after.
  7. If your caption is not a pun, it will not be eligible for the contest, but we will still share it at the end of play.
  8. Tell your friends.
  9. Have fun!


  1. Makes me appreciate how clever you are to come up with something every week. I have a couple of lame ideas that I’ll send along shortly.
    .-= Raven´s last blog ..Some Laughs =-.

  2. Quilly.

    So sorry to inform you Dr. John passed away this morning. I am trying to let his blog friends know. I will probably post something in the next couple days. I know he loved you.

    1. Oh Lori. I’m so sorry to hear this. Please know I send all my thoughts and aloha to you and your entire family. Please give my condolences to Betty and your entire family. Much Aloha!
      .-= Thom´s last blog ..Scenic Sunday 83 =-.

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