It’s Time to Decide!
Voting Closes at 12:00 p.m. PDST, Wednesday, February 17th, 2010.

We had some great captions, but they weren’t all puns. These are our top 5 choices. Pick your favorite and let us know, how should we caption this pic?
Pick your favorite punny caption for the photo above:
Can we vote more than once? LOL These are all great and very creative 🙂
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Scenic Sunday 83 =-.
No! I want the winning caption to be one we all like, not the one who belings to the person willing to sit here and click the button the longest!
PFFFT…That ain’t no fun!!! I want this to be like American Idol or So You Think You Can Dance, or Dancing With The Stars where you can load up the ballot box and hell with the best singer or dancer. It’s who ya know and who ya …. ROFLMAO!!!
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Scenic Sunday 83 =-.
drat! i can’t decide between two! maybe if i sleep it over…
.-= polona´s last blog ..this looks better than it really was… =-.
Thom and Polona, I just vote for both of my two favorites and it seems to have counted. The rules are not the ones Quilly makes but the ones we follow.
.-= Doug´s last blog ..Future =-.
Oooo Thanks for the info Doug!!! LOL
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Scenic Sunday 83 =-.
Leave it to DOUG to be a cheater! Cheater Cheater CHEATER!!! I’m having problems deciding too Quilly… but… I WILL decide! Eeny meeny miny mo….
.-= Melli´s last blog ..He Is Going To Be SO Missed…. =-.
Woo hoo way to go DOUG! I love a man with initiative.
Seriously, those captions are all too good. I laughed out loud at ‘Slipless in Seattle’ –then ‘Boatanical Gardens and Free Launch’ made me groan, but I love groaners! You’re right, that photo is priceless to minds like all of ours ROFL
These are great. But I have a favorite one and I already boated 🙂
.-= Mar´s last blog ..the nurse is IN =-.
I finally thought of a caption last night at 10 p.m. but our router was already off so I figured it probably wasn’t funny enough to make the top 5 anyway.
Then this morning I couldn’t remember anyway either, so it probably wasn’t that funny after all!
But these are! I just voted. ONCE. Because I’m a rule follower.
.-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday =-.
I wonder who will get to BOAsT that theirs was chosen?!
.-= Mocha with Linda´s last blog .. =-.
These were all good. I voted.
.-= Nessa´s last blog ..Good Bye, Dr. John =-.
I couldn’t come up with a caption no matter how hard I thought.
These are good. Can’t wait to see who thought of these.
I’ve voted – once. 🙂
.-= Carletta´s last blog ..Worn Around The Edges =-.
When I visited yesterday I could not come up with even one good start on a good thought… for this or for the speech I am giving this evening. I sure am happy to see others did not have this problem. These are great, was not easy to choose. Good luck to all the players.
.-= Alice in BC Canada´s last blog ..Just Thinking =-.
These are all very good! I missed the boat on the contest. Oh well.
.-= Church Lady´s last blog ..Dry Sink – Before & After =-.
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