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And the Winner Is …

Hear No Evil–
My Story of Innocence, Music and the Holy Ghost,
by Matthew Paul Turner

Karen — Kcinnova.

The random number generator has spoken.  I would like to thank everyone for playing.  Tune in again for the next giveaway!

Karen, I have your address.  Don’t go stand by your mailbox, I am notoriously forgetful about mailing things.  I’ll let you know when it’s sent.


  1. Oh, hooray!!! THANK YOU!!

    My mailbox has been dug out from the snow (we’ve actually had mail delivery for the past week) but I am behind in my reading so I won’t feel bad if it takes you a while to walk to the post office. 🙂
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..Friday 5: Fat Tuesday edition =-.

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