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Contemplating Tutoring

I wanted to say thank you again to everyone for the guidance offered on my first tutoring post. I did say thank you at the bottom of the comments, but I don’t know how many of you saw it.

It turns out that libraries are an option, schools are an option, and church is an option. If I were to work out of my own home, I would need different home insurance. I would also most likely need to hire an aide, and it would probably take the majority of my profits to pay her, so that is out.

The need for this tutoring was brought to my attention by a school administrator, so I am ahead there — except that June ends her career at the school and she is moving on to a church based ministry. Plus, she is relatively new in town and — although she didn’t say so — is very hesitant about jumping up to champion me. I am an unknown quality. Things move slower in small towns.

I was talking to the director of the labs (here where Amoeba works) the other day. He said he has lived here 30 years and is barely considered an islander. He is NOT considered a local. His sons, who were born here, are local so lend their dad legitimacy. Since I am never going to have any kids, I have a long way to go. (Actually, as both Amoeba and the director pointed out, now there are so many off-islanders living year round on the island, that the need to be local isn’t as restrictive as it once was. )

So, I have some research to do on reading disorders and some decisions to make, but not until after next week — which we will be spending in Massachusetts for Amoeba’s mother’s 80th birthday. Thank you for your advice and keeping me in your prayers.


  1. I agree with what Linda said. There is so much to consider, when it could be so simple! I hope you reach a decision soon, so that you know which direction to go.
    Have fun with your MIL and happy birthday to her!
    .-= Betty´s last blog ..Six Word Saturday =-.

  2. Massachusetts in winter? Good luck getting there and home again without delays and snow! And Happy Birthday to MIL!

    We have the same ‘local’ problem here. The real ‘locals’ have roots here back over 1000 years (yes thousand) and anyone who showed up after the 18th century or so is STILL considered a ‘blow-in’. One neighbour snorted about another man here, “He’s not even Irish — his surname’s Fitzgerald, he’s a Norman. Don’t let him tell you anything.”
    Scuze me, but the Normans were here since the 12th century, weren’t they? I’m a stranger in a strange land!!

    Anyhow, I hope the tutoring works out well, whatever happens.
    .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday #19 =-.

    1. Susan — my family landed American in the 1400s. Doesn’t that make the whole place mine? And we’ve already made snow contingency plans.

  3. Happy birthday to Amoeba’s mother!

    Looks like you are well on your way with the tutoring idea! Keep us in the loop of how it goes.

    Wrt the “local” issue, it’s such a non-issue here in Sydney, Australia. There are so many immigrants that nobody really cares how long you’ve been where you are or where you were born – at least not in our area. I started up my music tutoring business here within weeks of moving in, after successfully teaching interstate for years.

    Why would you need an aide though? I can’t see a need for that if you are teaching one-on-one, unless it’s a child protection thing and legally required. I teach with the parent in the room or in the next room or not here at all and no aide, but this is Australia and it’s music lessons, so maybe that’s different.

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