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Help! Send the Coast Guard

Help!  I am in Rhode Island in a science lab being held prisoner against my will.  Amoeba, however is quite thrilled and is up to his elbows in algae. Help! Help!  Help!

(Well, I do have access to this really nice computer, so you can all expect a visit to your latest posts.  Except Thom who has 5 up.)


  1. LOL! Oh JOY! The thrill of algae! Boy… you’re a cheap date aren’t ya? Maybe tomorrow you can find some way to torture HIM! 😉 Glad to hear you guys are enjoying the great North East!
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Lovely… =-.

    1. Carletta — pouting has nothing to do with being practical. It often has everything to do with exaggeration though. While we were there I worked for a couole of hours on the computer, and I read a good portion of “Start Somewhere” which I had to review anyway.

  2. I’m with Thom on this one chica, You did have a lot of posts. I’ll send the Coast Guard but are you really sure that’s what you want? You need to think of algae as a new frontier kaleidoscope. Just think of what types of photos you could get of the stuff-It would be wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And besides, just got off of the phone with the Coast Guard and they were too busy-they said to call back later. 😉

    .-= OJM´s last blog ..3WT#46-Ghost Girl =-.

  3. You and Thom are definitely to blame for half my Google Reader backlog every single day — but that’s not a complaint.

    I read your tag and thought, “Roger Williams founded a University–really?” and then was mortified to realise I was picturing Roger *Whittaker*. Oh, boy. Can I blame the Nyquil?
    .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Friday Flash 55, Oh Well. =-.

  4. Quilly, I would have loved to rescue you, but you really were out of my driving range.
    As it was, I invented a new game: staying in my own lane while being buffeted by high winds AND avoiding potholes. When I get to be an expert, I’ll try it at night.
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..Random Dozen: final February edition =-.

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