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Start Somewhere, by Calvin Nowell

Start Somewhere, by Calvin Nowell, is not a diet book.  This is a life changing read.  Calvin Nowell shares his weight-loss journey and bares his soul in the process.  He reveals the inner thoughts and rationalizations of over-eaters and cuts through all of our excuses.  As those of us who are overweight already know, slimming down isn’t just about watching what we eat and exercising, it is also about confronting those things that lead us to overeat.

Start Somewhere, is a spiritual guide to weight loss. The book has two appendices dedicated to diet and exercise, but all 13 chapters are dedicated to Calvin’s own personal testimony — how he confronted his weight as evidence of sin — both his own sin, and the sins of others directed against him.  According to Calvin — and his words ring true to my soul — as over-eaters we have to first confront our own sins and hurts, and turn them all over to God before we can ever begin to lose weight.

I would like to thank Tyndale House Publishers for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book for review.


    1. Mama Zen — if you have addition issues, food, cigarettes, alcohol, etc., Calvin’s story will offer you hope and a path out of the addiction.

    1. Karen — Calvin pretty much says all of the same things Chantel says, but he adds the need to work hand-in-hand with God and include Bible study and daily prayer as part of our “workout” routine.

    1. Melli — I am going to have to quit reviewing books or you will go broke and Dennis will take your check book and debit card!

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