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    1. Melli — if you are going to twiddle your thumbs, at least submerge your hands in a bowl of milk so you can make butter.

    1. Polona — although we did see them last trip, there were no porpoises this trip, There was snow though. Brrrrr.

    1. Lavon — this is an island. As an island it is detached from the mainland. Regardless of what Hawaii thinks, it is not exclusive in island status.

  1. I love ferry rides! Pick me! Pick me!!

    Oh, nevermind. I’ll just stay here.

    (Living a busy life over here, but I’d love to hear from you when you can comment.)
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..Reflection =-.

    1. Karen — I didn’t see you on the pier. Besides, the way the weather is bothering my shoulder, if I picked you up, I’d have most likely dropped us both in the harbor, and it’s chilly out there — snowing in fact.

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