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  1. Way cool!

    I’m a bit embarassed; I didn’t know there was any such thing until now! LOL And whoa… there are *boards* there?

    (I’m hopeless at some stuff)

    But that was some glowing praise over there, Quilly, congratulations!
    .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday #21 =-.

    1. Susan — you obviously have never had an issue where you needed help. There are help boards and public forums. I have learned muchly there. Do you know about Social Spark and InPostLinks?

  2. Congratulations! That’s great. But the real question is are you making more buckage than the first month when it was like $0.23 or something. 😀

    1. Cherie — about $400.00 a month. It won’t pay the rent, but it’s bought some groceries, some clothes, and a desk.

  3. I do not understand but I do know it must be something to be very proud about so I offer my congratulations. Hopefully I will learn about your successful endeavor and what has made you a star besides the simple fact that you are a star:)
    .-= Granny Annie´s last blog ..LET’S SHARE A FIFTH =-.

    1. Granny Annie, click the link in my post and you will see me honored. Some of my blog posts are paid ads. I write for IZEA. I am careful what products I accept for review. I try to only contract for products I approve of and am comfortable promoting. I’ve been caught out a couple of times, but I provide honest reviews. If I don’t like something I say so, paid or not. I almost always turn down advertisers who insist I HAVE to give a positive review no matter how I feel.

      1. I just checked my last 30 posts. I am running about 50/50 paid-to-free if I count the book reviews as paid. If I don’t count the book reviews as paid, it is about 40-60. Whether or not one complains about the book reviews depends on one’s own personal preference. Many of my readers enjoy them. However, point taken. I need to add a few more personal posts. Do you know where I can get a life for post fodder?

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