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A Clean Slate

When I was in college I met a man who, for the purposes of my story, we will call Dan.  Dan was a single father raising two daughters.  He was intelligent, articulate and eager to improve his life. The only trouble was, Dan had made a mistake when he was a kid, and that mistake — made well before he graduated from college — pretty much rendered his degree worthless.

When Dan was sixteen he and a couple of his friends stole a rig and went joy riding.  Nobody got hurt.  The truck wasn’t damaged.  The contents were still in it and hadn’t been tampered with when it and the boys were apprehended, but the boys were all punished to the full extent of the law.  The boys stole the rig in Idaho, but were arrested just over the Washington State line — which was only about 15 miles from where they started — adding interstate transport to the grand theft charges.  Grand theft, because the rig they stole was a fully-loaded bakery truck.

Dan was 16, but he was prosecuted as an adult.  That means when he turned 18, his records weren’t sealed or eligible for expungement.  Convictions for grand theft auto and interstate transportation of stolen property were still on Dan’s record ten years later when he when he took his Master’s of Business Administration Degree out into the market place. He got plenty of interviews, but he couldn’t pass the background checks.  The last time I saw Dan, he was washing dishes at the hospital.

He made a mistake.  He deserved to be punished, but did he deserve to lose his future?  He had never been in trouble with the law previous to the joy ride.  He’d never been in trouble with the law after the joy ride, but none of that mattered in light of his conviction. It is too bad RecordGone.Com didn’t exist back then. Dan could have used a law firm like Higbee and Associates to help him clean up his record and secure a career with a future.

If you know someone like Dan who deserves a little grace and a fair shot at a decent life, but has a legal record holding them back, point them in the direction of RecordGone.Com. The top rated attorneys at Highbee and Associates are the most trusted law firm in expungement and record sealing in eleven states. They will review your case, keep all the information you give them confidential, and offer competitive rates with easy payment options.

Even people with less serious infractions are failing background checks in this competitive job market. Check the RecordGone.Com website and read the ABC News article detailing story after story of people with lesser crimes than Dan being turned away from career track jobs. Is there something in your background holding you back?


  1. If he would have had a rich father it wouldn’t have happened. Justice always goes along with money !
    In Belgium you can only be treated like an adult from 18 on.
    .-= Gattina´s last blog .. =-.

  2. Hmmm. All he needs is a boss who will give him a chance. David’s co-worker is a convicted felon. He spent 7 years in prison for raping his ex-wife and is a registered sex offender. Yet, M hired him. With over-time work, he earns more than David!!!
    .-= gigi-hawaii´s last blog ..It’s the bubbles! =-.

    1. Gigi — good for David for hiring him. Many people won’t, which is why lawyers like the folks are exist.

  3. I’m sure Dan wasn’t thinking about these harsh consequences when he was joy riding with his friends. What tough luck.

    I didnt’ even know existed. Hope I will never have to use their services. Then again, I am a “sinful” church lady. giggle.
    .-= church Lady´s last blog ..Our Boat Needs A Name =-.

  4. That is a sad story. I’m glad there is something out there to help folks like Dan.
    I’d sure hate for my worst sins to be out there for employers to see.
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..Friday memes =-.

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