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  • The Little Amoeba


    1. Amanda — I don’t actually think he’s smaller. I think it’s just the way they’re sitting, but you are correct. The boy in the chair is Amoeba.

  1. I had already been there — but I went back to try to big the picture and look into the eyes. Of course, that wasn’t doable. I think he is the middle one. The oldest child’s eyes don’t look right to me…
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Daylight Savings… =-.

  2. I know I know! But it is also my picture. Tilden stole it from me after I was allowed to pick through a gigantic tub of photos at my lovey Dot’s house.
    .-= Amanda´s last blog ..Stealing Sunday! =-.

    1. Amanda — I didn’t realize you have a blog! Why didn’t you tell me?! (Or did you when I wasn’t paying attention?) About that stolen photo — I just stole it, too! Thanks!

      1. LOL I am a horrible blogger. I blog even less than Mum does. The photo is yours I have the original kicking around somewhere I will send it to you. If either of you ever want any more I will go and search through the bucket and get some good ones. No matter how much I hate to hear “you look so much like your mom” every time I look at this picture I see Shawn. To me he looks just like our dad and as he’s gotten older he looks more and more like him. Sadly same goes for me and Mum.

        1. Amanda — you are beautiful. The only thing you lack to make you truly stunning is confidence and the belief that it is true.

          And thank you for the photo. I already lifted the digital copy right off your mum’s blog!

  3. I didn’t read the other comments. I think the one who has his head tilted in the “I know the answer already but I’ll be darned if I let you in on it” is him. Just a guess…
    .-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday =-.

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