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Toasting Breakfast

She went into the kitchen to comply with his breakfast request for toast and juice.  “O-oh!” She called out.  “We’re out of designer bread.”

He said, “What?!  No English muffins?”

She said, “No English muffins.”

“Oh,” he said. “I guess I’ll just have plain toast.”

“Plain toast it is,” she answered.

He said, “Bet that’ll make the FAA cranky.”

She said, “I know.  They always get cranky when someone toasts a plane.”

He said, “It’s all the clean up and paperwork they have to do.”

She said, “I’ll bring napkins.”


  1. You two were on a roll!! Or I guess you could say, you were on a toast! Bwaahhaaahhaaaa!

    Just getting caught up on reading your posts, Quil. My net has been down for days. Now I’m browsing like there’s no tomorrow!!

    Happy first day of Spring to you, my friend!
    .-= church Lady´s last blog ..Incredible Wildlife Exists in MI =-.

  2. Must be interesting to have bread in airplane form, lol ! I wonder if it would fit in my toaster !
    .-= Gattina´s last blog .. =-.

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