Microfiction Monday #26
Susan from Stony River, welcomes us to Microfiction Monday,
where a picture paints just 140 characters.
That means you have to be prepared to read between the lines.
If you’d like to join us, stop by Susan’s, pick up the picture prompt,
compose your story in 140 character (or less), post it,
and sign in at Susan’s place, then commence in the sharing!
Formerly Known As …
Trudy stood by the pond remembering her Ugly Duckling days, comforted by the knowledge that one by one her nest mates had become duck soup.
Love the vindictiveness in this
Tony — yeah, beauty usually has a vicious side.
This was a big LOL one. Thanks, I needed that to start off the week.
OJM — I am pleased you enjoyed it.
Sounds as Trudy really didn’t like be adopted at all. We both had a wicked mind this week. This was good.
Bill — do you remember the story? Those ducklings were mean to that little swan!
Oh my! How deliciously wicked!
Kelly — I always wanted those mean, cruel ducklings to learn their lesson.
Oh my goodness, so that’s where Trudy’s nest mates ended up. LOL
Great take on the photo.
Rosidah — well, those ducklings weren’t very nice in the story!
Oh you’re naughty! LOL
Akelamalu — yeah, but it’s more fun than being politically correct!
The duck got his reward.
In this case, beauty really is only skin deep.
First50 – -do you recall how mean those ducklings were in the original story?
Betty — indeed!
Ah, those ugly duckling days!! Or maybe beauty is only feather deep in this case!! Great way to start my day, Quilly!! Hope you have a great week!
Sylvia — I agree the swan isn’t as lovely inside as out, but those ducklings were pretty mean to her!
What a great take on the picture.
I would have not thought of duck soup!
Well done, Quilly!
Have you a great week!
Shakira — I pondered this one for several hours and even considered “Swan LAke” before I went with The Ugly Duckling.
Karen —
Oh! Ohhhhhhhhhh…. tsk…
Melli — some animals are more vengeful than others.
My goodness, poor Trudy! Now, fly, fly, fly away Trudy!
Mumsy — you don’t know the story of The Ugly Duckling, do you?
Hope she tasted good. How does a swan become duck soup? hmmm LOL Great story
Thom — don’t you know the story of the Ugly Duckling, either?!
Oh yeah…I forgot Ooops!!!
Thom — pft
Finally, someone sticking it to those mean, old ducks! LOL! Heck, there wouldn’t be any “ugly ducklings” if it hadn’t been for those judgemental quackers handing out unsolicited “advice.” Love your today’s microfiction!
Sparkle — thanks for agreeing with me!
Revenge is best served cold. Loved this Quilly!
have a great week and see you next time!
Peggy — I am glad you enjoyed.
Revenge is best served cold…with a nice crisp bread. This week I have dug into mythology for my micro story
John — I’ll be over as soon as my work is done!
yikes, revenge at last!
a great twist on the familiar theme
Polona — I hoped you’d enjoy it.
Hey, if you just hold on long enough, good things will happen. Right?
This one made me laugh…thanks!
Hope — my pleasure!
Oh boy – I laughed out loud! Being the ‘ugly’ duckling definitely turned out a good thing!
Susan — indeed. I have never heard of swan soup.
She was comforted? Not an ounce of forgiveness……
Carletta — you realize that swans are not nice creatures?
Payback is a bitc*
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