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Gossip! Gossip!

Reality TV rules the air waves. Celebrity talk shows are all the rave. It is impossible to go through the check out line without reading about the local scandalous and exotic goings on in the lives of our favorite stars and celebs. What are this weeks hot topics? Kate Hudson’s chest. Jennifer Lopez’s skills as a multi-tasking mom. How green our favorite celebs are or aren’t. Kate Gosselin’s elimination from DWTS. Oprah vs. Octomom. All the things we just can’t live without knowing!

So, where do you get your gossip if you don’t watch TV? Well, I just got the latest celebrity gossip online. I even watched a couple of juicy videos. I also read a hilarious article on Kim Kardashian’s Twitter gaffs. The writer proposed — all shocked and scandalized — that perhaps Kardashian is deliberately making offensive tweets in order to get attention. Gosh, no celebrity would do something like that! Right?!

Okay, it isn’t really news, but it can be entertaining.  Sandra Bullock received a Golden Raspberry Award, or Razzie, for “worst actress of the year” in commoration of her performance in the abysmal 2009 comedy All About Steve. Bullock not only showed up to accept the award, she did so laughing and smiling, and bought a copy of the video for everybody in the audience. I always knew I liked her. It is nice to know she is still smiling and happy despite the current turmoil in her life.

As a rule, I don’t care to read the trash about the stars, but I love to read the good, funny, heart-warming and uplifting stuff. I actually found plenty of that to keep me smiling.

I also loved the article about female superheros that kick butt. Strong women role models played by actresses who are serious about providing positive role models. It was kind of cool to discover that not everything that comes out of Hollywood makes me cringe.


  1. I don’t really care much for “Celeb Gossip” and while I do have my fav actors/actresses, (Orlando Bloom, Nicholas Cage, Diane Krugar, Courtney Cox, Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen (yes I’ll admit it haha, but I only watched them when they were little, I can even easily tell them apart in Full House), Ellen Degeneres, Miranda Cosgrove and Viggo Mortenson) I don’t know anything about their personal lives.

    I don’t have cable usually (I renewed it for the Olympics and right now it’s only $10/month as a new customer so I”ll probably keep it another month or two until that goes up), I do watch two reality tv shows each week over at my parents house.

    The Amazing Race & Undercover Boss
    I really enjoy those shows, other than that I watch sports… mostly figure skating, but I also love hockey and every other sport that is in the Olympics… Diving is one of my favourites but it’s rarely shown. I guess sports could be considered reality tv???

  2. I actually liked “All About Steve” — go figure! She was a lovable ditz and in the end she taught a lot of people (generally outcasts) how to love themselves and others learned to accept those who were different.
    Also, Sandra Bullock wore some kickin’ red boots in that movie! LOL

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