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On The Road Again

I’m getting a late start this morning but my sister and my cousins and I stayed up way late playing cards and giggling.  The cousins left just after two a.m. and I crawled into bed about two-thirty.  I am sitting here amid my suitcases and whatnots posting quickly so I can load the car and be on my way.

I should be back with my Amoeba this evening and, as much fun as I have had with my family, I am still really looking forward to going home.  Prayers for safe travel are appreciated.


  1. Safe trip home Quilly, glad you had a good time with your Sister and Cousins. I’ve said a Prayer for your trip back to the Amoeba.

  2. Forgot to tell you…you can still purchase sandwich makers at Walmart. Check the camping section. You can also check online… Target and Amazon has a cast iron one. You and Amoeba need one for your patio fire ring!

  3. Just prayed and will try to throughout the day as I remember.

    Give yourself at least a day or so at least to recover from your trip after you get back.

  4. But of course! And if you get tired – pull over! I find sometimes I can drive 8 hours straight with no problem — other times I’ll only drive 3 hours and need to pull over for a 20-30 minute nap! But I have no problem with doing that! You are prayed up darlin’!

  5. Hi Q. ~

    A really, really long time ago, when I was 25 years old, I put all my belongings in my Datsun (now they’re Toyota) including my television set and drove from Los Angeles to New York City because I got a new job. I think it took four days. I stayed at my aunt and uncle’s house in Norman, Oklahoma one night.


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