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I am home.  I stumbled off the ferry at 9:10 p.m. last night and Amoeba took my suitcase and led me to our car, then he took me to Herb’s Tavern for a delicious meal of fried shrimp and french fries.  He had a blue cheese burger.

Afterward we visited while he drank a beer and I had some yummy blueberry tea.  I was way too exhausted for alcohol.  I would have gone to sleep right there at the table.

Once we were home, Amoeba unloaded the car.  I checked my mail, took a shower, and put my exhausted self right to bed! I slept for 8.5 hours.  I think I would have slept longer, but my bladder needed attention.  In fact, I m impressed that it allowed me to sleep so long considering that I drank about 32 ounces of water and an iced tea before going to bed!

I had a great time with my family and friends.  I did much laughing, giggling and running around.  Now I am home and ready to rest.  I sent Amoeba away in the car today.  I told him I didn’t want it or need it and there was no place I wanted to go but back to bed!  However, sometime today I will be around to visit all of you.


  1. Isn’t it interesting how our little vacations can be so much more exhausting?
    Amoeba’s blue cheese burger sounds delish, and I am a fan of shrimp too.
    Herb’s Tavern you say? (making a note)
    Good idea on taking it easy, after that much driving you need a break today!

    1. Logo — there are quite a few great places to eat here in Friday Harbor. We enjoy The Hungry Clam. Their Eggs Benedict is heavenly. Amoeba also likes their Scallop Basket. I am a fan of their Clam Chowder and their Fish Basket.

      There is a Chili Burger at The Bait Shop which is divine — and enough food for two people. Even two very hungry people. And I think the Bait Shop has the very best fries.

      I have eaten at Herb’s Tavern twice. Both times I have gotten wonderful, crisp deep fried seafood that was flavorful and not in the least greasy! The fish fillets were huge and flaky. The shrimp I had last night were superb — and I’m not just saying that because I was starving.

  2. Rest up kiddo! Don’t want you getting run down and SICK again! 🙂 Sounds like your trip was just very… satisfying!

    1. Melli — I am not feeling ill. That pleases me no end since my sister, Caryl, has a chest cold and I did spend quite a bit of time with her.

  3. Glad you are home. Get some good rest. Glad you had a great time. Isn’t Herb’s Tavern where we ate? Glad you got home safely 🙂 xoxoxox

    1. Barbara — I just bagged my Avon orders and put in a load of laundry, but mostly I am resting. Amoeba left the house nice and clean.

    1. Nancy — I am sorry to hear that. I wish money grew on trees. We could spend a day picking some, then just kick back for awhile.

    1. Doug –the best Blue Cheese Burger I have ever eaten is made at The Shack in Hawaii Kai on Oahu. Baring that, I can make a pretty darn good one myself. Come on over and I’ll grill you a burger and prove it.

  4. Glad you are home safe with The Amoeba. Glad you had a good time visiting your family. Sorry my Needed Rain wish invaded your Drive back to the Pacific. I sent you a cute email, hope you got it.

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