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Weekend Reflections ~ Seattle

Weekend Reflections

James, over at Newton Area Photo
hosts a fun meme called Weekend Reflections.
Grab a camera and play along.
And even if you don’t join the fun,
be sure to check out James’ dazzling photos.

Awhile back Amoeba and I went to Seattle and spent the day just playing. This was a snap from our stroll down along the water front.


  1. Fantastic! It’s hard to tell where reality ends and reflections begin!!! Love it!

  2. What a terrific reflection shot, Quilly! I always love reflections on the water and the waterfront is always a great place to roam around! Hope you’re enjoying a great weekend so far!


    1. Sylvia — I am having a restful weekend. I think I over taxed myself on my last vacation. All I want to do is sleep!

    1. Cieldequimper — Amoeba works for UW at Friday Harbor, but had a meeting on the main campus, so we made a day of it and enjoyed the waterfront.

    1. Polona — that’s why I risked life and limb (and camera) leaning over the railing to get that shot.

  3. The more I see, the more I realize that trip to the upper Northwest is definitely going to be necessary in my life!

  4. Quilly, the whale photo on my blog is from Niagara Falls, but I think you live near me, just on the other side of the border, because they are wild here too. I’ve seen the orcas in the wild a few times, so I’m sure you will too someday 🙂

    As for the figure skating shot, I have a good camera and I have good seats often at events… I’ve got thousands and thousands of figure skating photos I have taken haha, I really need to organize them on my computer better sometime though because they are all mixed up right now. I have met the skaters and been backstage (at Worlds, not shows) but not for long and that was before I had my good camera.

  5. I do love Seattle and this is such a serene and beautiful shot. I’m so glad you’re enjoying it up there.

  6. Gorgeous.
    I know just where that is. Great spot for watching sunsets.
    I do so love the Seattle waterfront.

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