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Paste It!

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Boudreaux’s Butt Paste. All opinions are 100% mine.

My favorite paste of all time is Boudreaux’s Butt Paste®.  First off, I love the name.  I absolutely can’t say it without smiling.

As a preK teacher and a baby-sitter, I learned to love this stuff.  It has a multitude of purposes, only one of which is stopping diaper rash. It did a great job of keeping my hands moist and protected, too, since I was always washing.

My first encounter with Boudreaux’s Butt Paste® was in my preK (two year-olds, special needs) teaching experience.  One of the mother’s brought it in for us to use on her daughter.  Not only did it keep baby Ana’s butt dry and rash-free, it cleared up a patch of scaly skin on my knuckle, too.  I remembered that when my heels started to dry and crack, and bought a tube of Boudreaux’s Butt Paste® for my foot.  After my shower I would dry my foot, smooth Boudreaux’s Butt Paste® over the dry patches on my heels, and put my socks on.  In just a few days my foot began to heal.

Boudreaux’s Butt Paste® doesn’t smell medicine-y or oily.  It is quite pleasant.  From that one mother bringing it into the classroom, we (the staff) began introducing it to other mothers. Soon every potty-training child had a tube or tub of Boudreaux’s Butt Paste® in his or her bathroom cubby.  The whole staff came to love the stuff.

If Boudreaux’s Butt Paste® sounds too good to be true, you can test it out for yourself. Click the link to order your own FREE SAMPLE. Boudreaux’s Butt Paste has been featured on: Oprah, the Tonight Show, the Today Show, People Magazine, ESPN, and, While You Were Out TLC.

If you have a patch of skin you want to protect and keep dry, check out Boudreaux’s Butt Paste®. Your skin will love you for it, whether its on your butt or not.

Visit my sponsor: Boudreaux's Butt Paste


  1. Okay, the name’s making me smile too.

    Know what else is making me smile? Getting in to your site for the first time in DAAAAAYS… the feed links were still directing me to your old blog until last night, so I’ve only been able to read in Google Reader so far — looking forward to catching up!

    1. Susan — sorry. Believe me4 not being able to get in my site for those few hours freaked me out, too!

  2. Butt paste is cool. We actually sell a lot of it at my pharmacy for the old folks. It works wonders on anyone who has the “privilege” of wearing a diaper. Sadly if I am going to buy strange cream for myself Im getting udder cream. Udderly Smooth is like a god send.

  3. ROFL! I have NEVER heard of this stuff! How did I EVER raise 4 kids without it? And in CLOTH diapers too!

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