Microfiction Monday #30
Susan from Stony River, welcomes us to Microfiction Monday,
where a picture paints just 140 characters.
If you’d like to join us, stop by Susan’s, pick up the picture prompt,
compose your story in 140 character (or less), post it,
and sign in at Susan’s place, then commence in the sharing!
“Just keep walking and don’t look back.”
“Not Again?”
“Yep. Our newest convert just managed to step in yet another pile of poo.”
This seems to be the theme os the day. LOL. Good story 🙂
Thom — well crap! 😉
Too funny!
Linda — apparently everyone else thought so, too! Many of us wrote pretty much the same story!
Ah, great minds do think alike! What a fun one for the day, Quilly! I was wondering where you were!! Hope you’ve had a good day!
Sylvia — or at least step in the same piles …
Good one! 🙂
Carletta — so it seems. The theme was pretty popular.
Great minds run in similar circles. 🙂 I dare say yours is at the head of the pack. This is a great theme.
One other comes to my mind. He has found something worthy of a double take. A coin or bill perhaps.
Jim — I actually posted last I think. I tried really hard not to read anybody else’s story first. I guess I should have gone the other way and read them all!
Love it! Too funny,
Teresa — to everyone but the the guy scraping his sandal!
another funny one .beautiful job!
Ji — thank you.
here is mine.
have fun reading!
Ji — I will visit.
Dasturdly good job.
Tony — thank you.
I guess everyone has a Cross to Bear, It looks like he is actually scraping his Sandal, Nice one Quilly, it seems a lot thought Dog Poo.
Bill — so I’ve heard. Maybe next time I will read everyone else’s before I write my own!
That does look like what’s going on!
Barbara — that’s what I thought.
Why is it this picture has brought poo to a lot of minds? LOL
Ohhhhhhhhhhh my! Poo and worms today… lovely…
LOL. Too funny! And it does look like that’s what’s happening!
it may be a good thing i didn’t have the time and energy to visit all the others cos i think this is hilarious (adn it does look a lot like he’s scraping some crap off his sandal)
Washington, D.C. Poo. Congress.
Yep, it must be the City’s symbol. 😉
Sometimes the best thing to do is keep walking. 🙂
Hilarious :D!
I read your text first, before I looked closer at the pic.
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