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I Live in a Temple

The Message Bible 1 Corinthians 6:19

Don’t you see that you can’t live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body.

How About a Workout Program that Promotes Faith?
Body Gospel calls itself a “party with a purpose” and claims it can get me moving to uplifting, contemporary Christian music and get my body, mind and spirit in shape.   You know, if I could incorporate exercise into my daily devotions as an act of worship, I might be able to make it past the spot where I always quit.  Sure I’d be exercising, but this says the exercise isn’t the focus, praising God is.  I have a couple of other Christian Workout DVDs, but they are just the same old exercise routines set to Christian music. Body Gospel puts the emphasis on praising God.

My body is God’s temple.  I know it but I don’t live it.  I know I am capable of losing weight, but I can’t do it on my own.  I need a workout buddy — and who is more faithful than God?

What qualifies Donna to be your instructor?
Donna Richardson Joyner is a former National Aerobics Championship silver medalist and is a member of the National Fitness Hall of Fame. She served on the President’s Council for Physical Fitness and Sports in 2006 and was a delegate to the 2007 Pan American games in Rio. The Oprah Winfrey Show® chose Donna as one of the “Top 5 Fitness Video Instructors.” Donna has starred in numerous video workouts including the Buns of Steelâ„¢ series and the Sweating in the Spirit series. She wrote Let’s Get Real! and is a guest columnist for both Ebony and Gospel Today magazines. Donna is the producer and host of the Donna Richardson ’s Mind, Body & Spirit Show, which airs on TV One, and the Sweating in the Spirit program which airs on Word Network. In addition, Donna was the former co‐host for the ESPN Fitness Pro’s Show and fitness expert on the NBC Weekend Today Show. And to top it all off, she also holds the Guinness World Record for leading the world’s largest line dance, with over 50,000 participants.


  1. I recite I Corinthians 6:19-20 to myself rather often. Of course, I’m still trying to make words into actions. (I recall that James has something to say about that!)

  2. I hope this works for you! My church offers Body & Soul which is the same kind of program — and is run by the same gal that runs my First Place 4 Health Bible study! I tried it – but aerobics is still aerobics and I prefer NOT to do aerobics. But Jesus has been my workout partner since my first go-round with weight loss — and I agree there is NO BETTER partner. I do still wish that you and I lived closer and could get into a regime together… *sigh*…

    WOW! It was just sO great to talk to you!!! Thanks! 🙂

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