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Yesterday morning I took Amoeba to work, stopped at Criminal Coffee (so good it’s illegal), kept my doctor’s appointment, did my grocery shopping, put the groceries away, tidied my kitchen, and opened the front door so my friend could bring all of her groceries in the house — and we made a chocolate soufflé.  Well, mostly she did the making and I did the recipe reading (we were using one of Julia Child’s cookbooks, the recipes are written quite clearly, in steps, and include ingredients AND utensils). The recipes are very, very, very detailed and can’t be read as a whole and followed. The sheer volume of information took two brains to process.

Neither of us had ever made a chocolate soufflé and, despite the excellent and detailed instructions, weren’t quite certain what we were doing.  It came out of the oven looking lovely and tall, but soon fell flat.  Sigh.  Still, it tasted quite good.  I am ashamed to say that despite getting the camera out, neither of us took photographs!

While the soufflé baked my friend and I picked Amoeba up from work (no bike riding yesterday because they were oiling and graveling the roads).  After my friend left I cooked dinner, tidied the kitchen (my friend had left it spotless so that was an easy clean), then I tucked myself in bed early and finished my novel.

Today I have to do the church newsletter and get the laundry done.  I’ll be around to visit blogs on my breaks.  I may take more breaks then I actually do work, so you’ll likely see me soon!


  1. I’m so amazed at all you do. How wonderful to have a friend you can cook with. The chocolate souffle sounds great…flat or no.

  2. Whew indeed!! A very full agenda! The souffle sounds lovely – mine always ended up falling too. Ah well…

    I haven’t done a single blog post since last week! Way too busy. I’d better get my rear in gear though, because tomorrow is the Haiku Challenge and I’m NOT READY!!!

  3. I bet it was delicious, flat or not!! And just reading your post made me reach for my vitamins! Get some rest! Oh, and now I’m drooling for some chocolate!!!


  4. Sounds like some of my days!
    You can get your church newsletter completed in just one day? Either you have an easy format to work with or you are simply that much faster than I am!

  5. Ah, the vagaries of a souffle! I tried one once myself, with the same result. I’m glad you consumed it anyway. So much for presentation, huh?

  6. i watched julia child on tv
    all the time when i was a kid

    i have both volumes of mastering the art of french cooking
    i love the recipes because they are so detailed
    im familiar with the style in which they are written
    because the used the same format at culinary school
    (julia even donated some of her cookbooks to my colleges library)

    i love the way the recipes are written
    because i can see
    at a glance
    whether or not i will attempt it!

  7. I have returned with a YouTube link (click on my name) of SNL’s 1978 sketch where Dan Aykroyd impersonates Julia Childs.

  8. sounds yummmmmy to me… how i wish i have the patience to stay in my kitchen longer than 5 minutes 😀

    quilly i just finished reading your eagles post and i really love all the photos, especially that one with my favorite Isaiah verse. that was really lovely!

  9. Souffle! WOW! I’ve never tried one either… the word alone scares me! How did we unemployed people get lives that are so busy and hectic??? Enjoy the LIVING! The blogging can wait! (… at least I’m practicing what I preach… or am I preaching what I practice???)

  10. You made me tired just reading this. GLad that you had a satisfying day. Souffle, I wouldn’t want to even try.

  11. I have been so busy, since we got back from our getaway too. Now I was just told, that I am supposed to work full time for the rest of the week (that includes Saturday!!). ;( So no blogging for me this week. Luckily your blog, i can access from work, so I can keep updated. 🙂
    Hope you got your newsletter done!

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