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Monday Madness

Going off with my family to see the Alpaca.

We will stop at the hardware store and buy paint to fix my dresser.

We may feed the camel carrots.

Who knows.  Whatever we do, I think it will be fun.

I’ll let you know when we get back — unless, of course, we stay up too late playing cards again.

VBS this morning was awesome!


  1. vbs began today at our church too!
    alpaca and camel – yay!
    paint the dresser – booo!
    stay up late – whhoo -hoooo!

    1. Nancy — Didn’t paint the dresser. Can’t stay up late — I was supposed to be at VBS at 8 a.m. and I woke at 8:03 a.m. this morning!

  2. Glad that VBS went so well today! I’m preparing to teach the Youth class at ours next week. Pray for … them! LOL I don’t have much experience with Youth, but it’s been going pretty well this summer. 😀

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