Oh My!
I found a blog quiz over at Polona’s, Scabiosa Trenta and grabbed my Menehune Mushrooms story to check my writing style. This is what I got:
Whoa! I feel my head expanding even as I type this! 😉
And then I ran Mina and The Carousel through the checker and got this:
And how did Strawberry Fife fare? The checker says:
I’d like to think that means I am very eclectic, but I think it means I have a diverse vocabulary and subject matter. Especially since Days of Wine and Murder earned me this dubious award:
You have style!! II don’t write much on my blog, but I used my kitty post and the result was : Kurt Vonnegut!
Mar — the algorithm is probably keyed to vocabulary or subject.
Margaret Atwood is one of my favorite authors. What an honor!
Kala — I am not certain the test has any validity — in fact, I am fairly certain it doesn’t.
James Joyce here
Thom — don’t try to take that to the bank, okay?
Sounds like a fun quiz. I don’t think I do enough writing anymore to even try it. Now if they had one for photographers…
My photography is available for purchase – visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
Robin — I don’t see how this would work on a photo, but then again, I don’t think it actually worked on the writing.
Well… you are DIVERSE! And multi-talented! I am said to write like David Foster Wallace… who I don’t know. *shrug*
Melli — I am very diverse — and I bet you would be too if you fed the scanner a few more writing samples.
I used an excerpt from the novel I’m working on (the one I’d posted on my blog before) and it said I write like William Shakespeare. Does this mean only a select few can understand it? haha!
Teresa — that may be the case — no one else has earned the Shakespeare comparison!
With the Halloween story from my blog, I got Raymond Chandler
Tina — oh — you going to try writing a PI next?
i checked a bunch of stuff
and got a bunch of different results
im confused
Tilden — yeah, and that’s different how?
I think it means you’re a good writer! 🙂
Akelamalu — thank you. I like that conclusion. 😉
Yeah… Steven King here. I don’t think so.
Jenn — its the sarcasm. I’m sure of it. “Honey, I’m hoooome!”
What fun! I did mine and it said Margaret Mitchell. Hmm, I’m thinking my southern is showing (and it wasn’t even today’s flashback post that I tested!)
Linda — well tuck in your blouse and cover up!
This was fun. Being a Gemini, I came up with multiple authors for my various posts. LOL
Granny — so did a lot of us who aren’t Gemini. I think the test is schizophrenic.
i would say that means you have your distinctive style which does not copy any of the famous authors. and i find it enjoyable 🙂
Polona — I crown you the queen of tact and my favorite commenter on this post!
With three different tries, I got David Foster Wallace (not familiar with him), Oscar Wilde, and James Joyce. I’m going to have to play with this a bit more when I have time. I wonder how they make these determinations.
Barbara — if it isn’t vocab based then it is likely random.
I suspect it means the algorithm is B.S. Not that that should detract from any implied compliment. I like your writing.
Doug — I suspect you are correct and thank you.
My first entry compares my style to Margaret Mitchell. Talk about head swelling! Ha – can a Pulitzer Prize be in the making – I better start writing a lot more than I do. 🙂
I’d have to say though that I’d be more like Margaret than George Orwell – I would never write like him. I must have had an off day with that selection.
From the comments I’d say each of us including you has diverse writing talent and the ability to hold the interest of our readers.
Of course I’m here after Doug and suspect he’s 100% accurate but for these precious few moments in my mind I will be entertained with the notion that just perhaps I could be the next Margaret Mitchell. 🙂 If only for a few moments……
Carletta — dreams and delusions are welcome here. 😉
Hey wow – I tried it four times or so too, and never got as wonderful as JD Salinger. Then again I never hit Stephanie Meyer either (whew!!)
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