Microfiction Monday #43
Susan from Stony River, welcomes us to Microfiction Monday,
where a picture paints just 140 characters.
If you’d like to join us, stop by Susan’s, pick up the picture prompt,
compose your story in 140 character (or less), post it,
and sign in at Susan’s place, then commence in the sharing!
“Well repeat it to her again Agent Summers. Witnesses in the protection program can’t send wish you were here post cards home!”
LOL..aren’t some people just plain ass stupid? LOL Oh and BTW it’s Week 43 Q. Just a small FYI 🙂 Very well done. Boy the more I think about it what a pain in your okole I have been to you this morning. MWAH!!!!
Thom, thanks for the number alert. I copied and pasted from Susan’s post without considering that it was LAST WEEK’s. Duh.
And I am quite used to your being a pain. No worries. MWAH!
Thom – stop! Quilly’s liable to change her entire blog if you keep it up.
Hey Quilly, that’s a great story starter – what would happen if… (Your microfiction and not Thom’s nitpicking although that would make a good motive in a murder story.)
Nessa — no worries. I know how to ignore Thom.
Witness what? Oh yeah…that’s right . . .
Very funny!
Kelley — I could just hear her saying, “Well, I wouldn’t have to keep sending them if you wouldn’t keep moving me!” LOL!
Some criminals sure are stupid!
Ellie — they usually put victims in Witness Protection, not criminals. Although many of the victims were criminals …
What a putz. I already told her she’ll get whacked and dumped in a Jersey landfill just like Jimmy Hoffa.
Karen — and apparently she is looking forward to it.
I think they CAN send them home if they no longer wish to be in the program!!! Great post this week. Made me laugh. Thanks.
Sylvia — suicide by post card?
That would be the hardest part!
Great take on the prompt.
Barbara — I think so , too!
That postcard was not the best idea in the world, me thinks 😉
Gee, Tony, why not?
That is so funny!
MZ — I am so glad I tickled your funnybone!
Agent Summers first name Chrissy ?? This was good Quilly.
Bill, I would think Chrissy would more aptly be the post card sender rather than the agent trying to save her.
u have changed your avatar,
the current one looks more real.
Jingle — The other one was the real me, too. Just a few years younger. Thanks for the insult, it was so kind of you.
Quilly — So that’s it! I knew something was different. You’re no longer dyeing your avatar!
Karen — yeah, that’s it. Now why couldn’t Jingle have used your humor instead of an insult?
I don’t know. Where is Jingle – let’s ask her.
ROFL some people just don’t ‘get with the program’ Quilly I loved it!
That’s too funny.
I’m so mixed up I thought it was already Tuesday when I saw this!
daft witness. or homesick? or both??
there’s another story in these few words…
LOL. Great take on the image. Poor agent! He must be working very hard to keep her save. Have a wonderful week 🙂
Rosidah — some witnesses make it more difficult than others!
Okay, you get the prize for this week! 🙂
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