Muffed Target #10
Thom has taken over Gattina’s meme invention, Muffed Target Photo Meme. The idea is to share our photos that didn’t turn out. Come on, you know we all have them! You share yours and I’ll share mine!

I forgot that I can’t focus the camera manually and then change the zoom setting. Duh. If the cat would have just sat still this wouldn’t have happened!
Our cats hardly cooperate either. They love to jump around. This would be a wonderful photo, if it was focused. Diablo was right in the center and somehow I can feel his expression toward the camera. Have a wonderful day 🙂
LOL! We DO all take bad ones… I just don’t KEEP them on the camera! LOL!
Hope this shot wasn’t the “cat”alyst for falling in the mud yesterday 😉 None the worse for wear, I hope?
So many times I’ve missed a good photo opp because I am not quick enough to adjust my camera settings. Especially when I’m trying to photograph a moving target!
Most of mine are our of focus! LOL
Sure blame it on the cat LOL Great photo Q. Thanks for playing 🙂 Much appreciated.
That’s a ghost cat.
I tought i taw a putty cat!
That’s a fast putty cat 😀
seems to me the kitty has an appropriate name 😉
even though blurred, his eyes are quite pronounced
funny I have done that so many times, if they would just make a camera that would read our thoughts!
I think w.c. fields said something about working with animals and small children…
OMG! LOL. GREAT idea! (I’ve already posted so-so photos at other times.)
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