10.5 Pounds Gone
Two weeks ago I weighed myself on the counter-balance scales at the labs where Amoeba works. Yesterday I weighed again. Yesterday I was 10.5 pounds lighter than I was at the beginning of the month. I knew I was losing weight. My clothes said so.
Two weeks ago when I finished reading, Let’s Do Lunch: Eating all the Calories and Carbs You Want to Lose Weight!, by Roger Troy Wilson
I decided to put Roger Troy’s theory to the test, totally expecting to prove him wrong. It didn’t happen. I kid you not. I followed Wilson’s eating suggestions, I never went hungry, I never counted a calorie, I ate all day long, and I lost weight.
I gave up soda pop and all foods containing refined sugar. I haven’t had any hunger pangs or cravings for sugar. Those are the two things that generally cause me to break my diet within a few days. Not only that, when I do get hungry, I don’t have the tremors or headaches that used to come with it and caused me to grab anything and stuff it in my mouth to regain my equilibrium. I am also not having the weird food cravings I usually have when I diet.
When I gave up the sugar without suffering any ill effects, I started cutting back on starches. I haven’t totally eliminated them from my diet. I don’t know that I can and still cook them for Amoeba, but I am eating less of them and not feeling deprived. I don’t have any starch for breakfast or lunch. I also don’t eat all day long anymore. I do have something every 3-4 hours, but I really don’t need much to satisfy me.
We now eat more turkey, chicken and fish, but I haven’t wholly given up pork and beef. The food I have given up which I miss the most is cheddar cheese. Roger Troy did say I didn’t have to eliminate cheese from my diet unless I wanted to, but that I would lose weight faster without it.  It’s gone, but I may occasionally have a nibble.
One of the things Roger Troy Wilson said that we already know, is that diet food doesn’t taste good. Rather than abandoning common sense eating in favor of flavor, like most of us do, he set out to remedy that. He found creative ways to ramp up the flavor of food without ramping up the calorie count. By taking Roger Troy’s ideas and adapting them to fit my tastes, I can munch on healthy foods without feeling deprived. For instance, I just add a flick of my favorite no-salt seasoning to a celery stick and it becomes a crunchy, flavorful treat. Plus, being given the no-guilt freedom to eat all of the fruit I want has made a huge difference in my willingness to eat healthy.
Of course, as Amoeba pointed out to me, 10.5 pounds is an easy beginning. Just dropping the one soda per day can account for that. Now we need to see if the weight-loss will continue using this same pattern, or if I will have to keep giving up more and more. One thing that I really like about eating this way is, if I eat something I probably shouldn’t, I don’t feel guilty because nothing is forbidden. Somethings are just strongly recommended against. I also don’t feel guilty because having just a bit to eat every couple of hours means if I do choose a high calorie food, I don’t eat much of it.
Let’s Do Lunch also has an extensive recipe section. Many of them call for canned and processed foods. Amoeba and I do not eat that way. We prefer fresh food. They taste better and are more nutritious. They also have considerably less sodium then their processed counter-parts. I have used several of Roger Troy’s recipes with fresh ingredients rather than canned. They take longer to prepare but I am certain they taste a whole lot better than the originals.
If you have found a weight-loss plan that works for you, don’t switch, but if you are struggling, grab a copy of Let’s Do Lunch and give it a read. I think you’ll discover a lot of wisdom in what Roger Troy has to say, and you might even validate a few things you already knew about yourself as an eater. I have read a lot of diet books in the past year. This is the first one that has motivated me enough to stay with it more than a few days.
Oh, one more thing, Roger Troy Wilson is donating 100% of his profits from Let’s Do Lunch to advancing the gospel around the world.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.â€
Way to go! I don’t drink pop or eat sugary things now, but I really need to cut back on the cheesy stuff myself. That’s the biggest problem for me. I love it way too much!
Teresa — I grew up on a farm and milk and dairy were staples in our diet. It is hard to go without something one is used to having everyday as a matter of course.
I may consider picking up his book.
SN — I suggest starting at the library. Then, if it works for you, buy it. You will want to keep it on hand for reference.
Congrats, Q!!! As for me, I like to bake a cake every Sunday, and can’t imagine doing away with that tradition. Love the aroma of a cake baking in the oven. Today, I am going to bake a banana cake with whipped cream frosting.
Baking it is fine, Gigi! Just don’t eat it! 😉
I am not a cake fan. I have been having fruit desserts with just the tiniest spritz of whipped cream and a sprig of fresh mint from my garden. I have also been eating frozen grapes. They are yummylicious!
Q- try frozen blueberries as a crunchy snack too. Yum.
Congratulations! And good for Amoeba for being encouraging and pragmatic. We all need someone in our lives who will tell us the REAL truth!
And, this is the line that “sold” the book for me: Roger Troy Wilson is donating 100% of his profits from Let’s Do Lunch to advancing the gospel around the world
So, it’s not about Roger Troy Wilson, it’s about Jesus. LOVE that!
Kelley — frozen blueberries do sound yummy. Thanks.
That’s great new Quilly! I hope that everything continues to go well. Keep us posted. When I actually have some control over my food again (after next May), I may have to give it a try if you still like it. 🙂
*ahem* Make that “great newS. 😀
Cherie — I knew what you meant. I am certain you typed that “s” and it just ran off to hide.
I don’t have sugar but I do love cheese. This sounds like a really interesting book.
Akelamalu — that book when on my “keeper” shelf. I know I will refer to it again and again.
I need to watch what I eat more carefully because I have put on a pound or three in the last several months. Congratulations on your success!
Kay — more fruit and veggies, less starch and sugar. Three pounds will go in no time!
Way to go, Quilly!
Thanks, Mama Z.
You must be thrilled! What an excellent start! It’s all about portion control and eating the right foods and exercise too! This sounds like a great book to keep you on track. I’m glad it’s working for you!
CL — portion control is a big thing. I have been working on that, too. Less food, more often. I have an eye-opening post planned.
I am impressed – that’s a lot of weight to lose in half a month Quilly.
I am intrigued. Diet fads make me weary, but this one sounds like common sense. I’ve mostly quit eating potatoes, which is a big move for me. But the idea of giving up beef is really hard for this Texan!
Congratulations, Quilly!
That is very much like the eating plan that I followed when my husband was home full-time. It worked! We will be returning to the eating every 3 hours (during the daytime, of course) when he retires next summer. Eating real foods, often and in lighter quantity, makes perfect sense for my body. I’m not sure why I find it so difficult to accomplish on my own.
I’m looking forward to your post about portion control.
Congrats on the weight loss! I know I need to cut way back on sugar, but I would have a hard time giving it up completely.
Congratulations on the weight loss! Sounds like a great book too.
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