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Coming Attractions

I hope you are enjoying the 12 Days of Christmas giveaway.  Thom and I are having a blast.  I love giving stuff away! In fact, I so much love giving stuff away I that I just ordered some quality costume jewelry from Max & Chloe, and as soon as it shows up, I am going to host another giveaway.  One lucky winner will walk away with a lovely bit of flash.  I hope this will happen before Christmas — it depends on how fast the jewelry ships.  In the meantime, if you’re curious about what you might receive, click on the link in my right sidebar and start drooling and hoping!

Also, I am going to give away at least two reading packages.  I am putting together several of the books I have recently reviewed — only those in the very best condition — and I am going to give away two or three reading packages sometime after the first of the New Year. I am thinking about making this a twice yearly event since the books do tend to stack up and I can’t keep them all! I haven’t quite decided how that one is going to look. I do know the Max & Chloe giveaway is going to be a treasure hunt, because I am, after all, giving away treasure!

Stay Tuned!


    1. Thanks, Doug. Apparently everybody else thinks this is a paid post and they aren’t bothering to read it. I hope that means I’ll get to keep the jewelry! 😉

  1. I just kicked a boy off the computer so I could check blogs. 😀
    I love your giveaways! I am passing on one of the books I “won” from you to the guy who leads our praise band at church. (The book is “Hear No Evil” about contemporary Christian music…. I think he’ll enjoy it as much as I did! The youth pastor will get it after that.)

    1. Karen — I am really excited about this jewelry giveaway! I just got the notice that the package has shipped, so I might start it December 13th, so I can ship on the 20th and hopefully get it to the winner before Christmas.

  2. I read it – and immediately went over to check out the site and forgot to leave a message! Sorry!

    Sounds lovely. Since I have a unique name spelling and did the same thing to my daughter, something personalized would be lovely!

    Can’t wait!

  3. You gave me a good idea on how to get rid of the books I review. I am reading two right now at the same time. YIKES trying to keep them separate. Hope you have a good weekend.

    1. Stacie — it isn’t unusual for me to have a book going by the bed, one in the bathroom and one in my office — although most of the time the bedroom/bathroom book is the same. And if I get a really good book everything else goes by the wayside while I finish it — which is why I am no longer allowed to read while cooking. Alas.

    1. Church Lady, my name is common, but not so common that I find it readily on jewelry racks. I’m always checking out personalized jewelry.

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