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    1. Stacy — yeah, Amoeba’s family lives in Massachusetts and they’ve had plenty, although not as much as folks further east. We even had snow today and it rarely ever snows here.

  1. Although I’m in sunny Mexico at the moment, I’ll be going back to “cold country” very soon–and then I’ll become intimately reacquainted with those delicate lines and swirls of which you write!

    1. Karen, we had SNOW! Really, it snowed for about 3 hours, big fluffy flakes. Then the power went out. That’s TWO real, honest winter days we have had this year. TWO! Time to go back to Hawaii!

  2. Lovely frost art in winter and you do not have to stay indoors ‘coz I’ve given a solution in my Haiku.posted 4th 🙂

    Have a great day!!

  3. I love the patterns frost makes on the windows. Someday I’ll figure out a way to photograph it. In the meantime, your haiku evokes the delicate tracery perfectly!

  4. Well said, my friend! I have to say I’m feeling it more and more as I get older. Being cold is highly overrated!!

    It’s been a great year, hasn’t it? Full of big changes for both of us. Glad we took the ride together (so to speak!)

    Happy New Year!!

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