Why I Like Facebook
Running dialogue below one of my status updates:
Status: At dinner tonight Amoeba pea-ed on the floor!
  How many peas did he lose on the floor?
  Not telling. That would be disturbing the peas.
  And I can’t pick ’em up either, ’cause then I’d be accused of lifting my legume.
  Charley and Charlene two peas in a pod??? yep I think so
  Jeff says oh peas get over it
  Charlie probably couldn’t carrot less about peas.
  But I *do*, Nathalie. *Everybody* should be able to visualize whirled peas.
  I suppose I should have beet him for it.
  Good thing you didn’t. I don’t think I could have survived the borscht belt.
  LOL. I give up. I’m not radish enough to continue.
  I’m running out of thyme to play anyway.
  Figures that you’d walk off when it was your turnip.
  Don’t let him squash you.
  Oh, my. If you can’t get along, I guess you cantaloupe.
  I guess this strings bean going on long enough.
  Lettuce all turnip together to plant again, soon, peas!
 Tomato is soon enough for me.
  Okay, already. You guys are driving me out of my gourd!
  It did get corny, didn’t it?
So funny!
This was awesome! I missed it on FB so I’m glad you shared it here!
LMBO I love when the comments go nuts like that. It makes my day. This was a doozy!
I am glad I could spread the humor a little further and make it last a little longer.
What a hoot!
I RELISHED every comment in this conversation!
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