Technical Difficulties
My blog has been having technical problems. I am trying to fix them, but don’t know that I am succeeding. Could you try to leave a comment and let me know how easy/hard the process was? Do the pages load quickly, or take forever?
Please. Thank you!
Very slow loading…
Charley says to scrap the site and start over.
I’d give you a starter for the over, but … I could have sworn I had one in the closet, but I can’t find it. So I guess it’s a non-starter.
What.the.heck.does.this.mean? Seriously. Sometimes I cannot understand a word you say.
I think he likes it that way!
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
Do you have another suggestion?
ok. i counted about 7 seconds for the initial loading time, at the home page. mocing back using previous post link, about 5 seconds each time i went back one post. when i got back to “section one complete” i clicked home and it took another 7 seconds to load. it could be my computer.
Seven seconds is good. It is taking 15-30 for me, and my previous comment disappeared into the ether.
today, 03/06/19 at 10.17am est, took no time at all to load. appeared instantly.
Over 30 seconds for my page to load for me. Also, my blog insists on putting your comments in moderation, no matter how many times I ask it not to!
lovely day here!
The day is lovely here, too. I am watching it from my bed of pain. My hip is killing me.
Testy tester in a test, intestate.
Testing my limits.
Yo sister how’s it going?
No one follows directions. How long did it take the page to load? At least it IS loading. That’s an improvement.
Hi QUilly
No real problem it loaded too quickly to time it!
Great! It takes a slow count to 12 for me.
Loaded fine. Not slow at all. And if I can post this comment, I’d say it’s fixed.
It is still super slow on my end. 12 seconds to load the blog, almost 20 seconds to post the comment.
Blogger thinks I am spam, because I have AOL.
Spam?! Here you’re Grade A — Choice, even!
And the longer I stay on the site clicking buttons, the longer the response time grows.
I didn’t think to count. It wasn’t instant, but it wasn’t a terrible wait, either. Maybe 7-10 seconds.
Submitting the comment took much longer – maybe 20+ seconds.
That’s what’s happening to me, too, Barbara.
Owen Michael is signed up for Kindergarten!
All day? Half day?
8-3 five days
Not sure I’m ready.
Time waits for no Nan.
It loaded fine. Here’s a comment.
Thank you. It must not like ME because it is still sluggish on my end.
Comments are closed.